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Everything posted by Adjam5

  1. Ahhh...What memories are made of. A boy and his RedRyder:) Good luck to him you proud Poppa you:D
  2. Welcome to the forums:) I have Weatherby Vanguard in 7mmRem Mag and it is made by Howa. A Tackdriver. I paid I think $329 about 7 years ago at WalMart. When our downstate NY Walmart's sold guns. I think it is a great value for the money and a very accurate rifle too. I just hated creating a demand for a rifle from a country that restricts their citizens from from owning such weapons. Thats just me.
  3. I hope you get what you want Ruth. If those bill collectors get fresh...we'll round up a posse and get a road trip going...You have people Ruth:D Good Luck with it all.
  4. We have a Gander Mtn about 40 minutes away. The Archery shop is OK, but I have gotten some good gun buys there. They have a great return policy and the guys in the gun shop know their stuff. I know because, I have asked questions I know the answers to, just to see if they knew what they were talking about. They did;). I have only been to one Bass Pro. That is the one in SanAntonio. It was more of a tour than a shopping spree. Bargains are a BIG part of everyone shopping nowadays. To save the tax is like getting a 8.25% discount here in NY, so many purchases happen online, AFTER I go to Gander Mtn to compare:D
  5. One more thing I noticed is, the color of his tarsal glands. Very light in color. IMO a buck older than 1 1/2 would have darker tarsals from scrape making. But if you have seen THAT deer with a rack, hey... who am I to speculate.
  6. I don't know if that buck lost his antlers...Most bucks that have shed have empty pedicles on the head and it is quite evident that they had a rack. That looks like a yearling button buck to me that didn't have enough to shed. Very short snout and its body does not even look like a teenager( 2 1/2- 3 1/2), slim and trim. With no brisket.
  7. Luke Joe and I use a guy on E bay...Joepete1947 for the GT XT 5575's. We got them for $63.95/doz. Good deal in my book.
  8. I like the TruFire Hurricane buckle release. I like the trigger and I got away from anything that has velcro on it. Back tension release are also a option, but they seem to run in the high end of releases. Good Luck.
  9. I might be on my way to the Texas Hill country within the next 2 weeks for some Axis and Javelina. Need to make sure all my things are in order before I shove off. I was down there last March for Rios.
  10. Adorable:) What happened to the camo tie?
  11. Joe, the same thing happened to me a few weeks ago. The same complaint from my wife. The vent was partially clogged. I took my shop vac, shoved the hose up it and got out a lot of junk. Then I reversed the hose and blew everything that was left, out the vent. Dryer came back to normal. Good Luck.
  12. Steve, when I was about 14 my Dad was running a Bobcat grading some land on one of his jobs, and hit a old steel rail under the earth and he went surging forward. 2 weeks earlier, my mom got him a custom aluminum hard hat for his birthday which he actually liked and wore. That hat was crushed to the bands that keep it above your dome and Pop didn't get a scratch, just a sore neck for a while. He hit the top bar of the cage. I saw it with my own 2 eyes. Helmets work.
  13. Time flies ...don't it? Best of luck with those angels;)
  14. Man this dead horse can take a beating:D! We are Realtree, Real Family and Real Friends;) Archery Talk is just WE are family with a few wayward kin I guess:D.
  15. Doc, hogs and coyotes are considered evil in some parts of Texas. They eat the deer feed and chase the game. When I was in Iraan,Tx last year on a Rio hunt, the ranch manager made us promise if we saw a predator or a hog/javelina we would shoot it. I think you'd be pretty hard pressed to find a anti hunter or even someone to object to coyote carcass mistreatment down there. It shows others you are doing your share of predator control by hanging them on the fence. It is Texas ,not NY where we need to tip toe around our sport not to hurt others feelings or encourage the anti hunting sentiment.
  16. Cody, you never stopped trying. Seeing 5 shooter bucks, thats 5X times more than I saw! I have become a doeaholic to ease my pain of not taking any bucks and it seems to work. I was proud to have you on my team this year.
  17. Stackable bins with big ziplock bags holding the clothes inside. Of course everything got washed and then put away. I also like to keep a few handfuls of leaves in there with my clothes for that natural scent.
  18. I have the Wildview5, made by Stealthcam. Good pics, decent trigger speed, but it won't work in the cold weather below 32*. I hope your works better. Wildview says it is in the manual, that it does not work in the cold. I have no idea where it is and didn't even read it. A good investment would be to get some rechargeable"C" batteries. The ones I have gotten have paid for themselves over and over with less waste in the landfill. Good Luck with your cam.
  19. Happy Birthday Mike. Thanks for your service.
  20. Adjam5

    New to this !'ve come to the right place;) Glad to have you aboard!
  21. These debt collection terrorists can really wreak havoc on ones mind. Like Luke said, they will TRY to collect by every means possible. Hang in there and this will all be straightened out come Monday. Make sure you get names of everyone you speak to, and if you really want to have fun with the calls to the collection agency, tell whomever you are speaking to that you are recording this call for your records and quality assurance purposes. Grab the bull by the...errrr... horns:D Then when it is all settled...take those bills outside for some target practice;)
  22. The only time I am usually on my ATV is when I am doing food plot/landscape/log hauling. If we go on a ride off our land, the lid goes on. I have a cool camo helmet:cool: that I don't mind wearing. My sons always wear their helmets and boots too. I go nuts when I see them riding with sneakers on. No ankle foot protection. Ask Joe. Goggles they want to wear because of the dust that gets kicked up.