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Everything posted by jgbennett6

  1. there is tons of property in that area, time to go knock on some doors, tehre is also abotu 10,000 acres of state land near there
  2. hey you'll love it, its like no other park in teh USA. I have some season seats, and my father in law has a bunch of season seats. his are 2 rows behind home plate. cant wait to hear bonds get booed.....no love for him in this town.
  3. scored on a good 2 year old this past weekend fellas. 19lb 7ox. 8.5" beard both spurs 3/4"
  4. well I had a slammer at 8 yards teh otehr day, but couldn't get the draw on him, hopefully this weekend
  5. yeah baby thats what i'm talking about....what to go Slug.... sucker sound liek a hoss......awsome ours starts this monday, should be a doosey
  6. Re: TURKEY TEAM #1 not till May 1st here!
  7. Re: TURKEY TEAM #1 alrighty i guess we are the proud spur spankers!!!.....yeehaaawwww....... now honestly, lets whoop some tail feather.
  8. Re: TURKEY TEAM #1 yeah i didn't want to say it but thats one of my personal favorites
  9. Re: TURKEY TEAM #1 well dang how about spur spankers, of fan floppers, or stinky strutters i dunno. get those creative juices flowing guys!!.......unless someone wants to get us sponsored!!
  10. Re: TURKEY TEAM #1 Well i think we would have to use Jellyhead chokes ..hahahah... my season runs the month of may, got a few birds that should co-operate.
  11. Re: TURKEY TEAM #1 alrighty fella's, here we go, looks liek we got a good group of excellent hunters... lets get it done.....any idea's on Team names?....!!!!
  12. Re: Thank you Handgunnr Handgunnr, I would also liek to extend a thank you for the prize, it will def. go to use, once again thanks
  13. Re: 2007 Forums Turkey Contest Sign-up jgbennett6 New York, Mass. Adult Eastern
  14. Re: Congrats to the Handgun Hunting Contest Winners: wow.totally unexpected with my poor pictures, but thanks guys.
  15. Re: 60 pounds...to much 60 lbs is way too much to start with a trad bow. yeah you might eb able to pull it back but will have terrible form. a trad bow is almost purely back tension to an anchor, it is not an immediate release i hold for 1 sec then release.
  16. Re: Show us your rig!!! 62" [email protected]" ADM T/D longbow 2018's tipped with 4 blade exlipse broadhead
  17. Re: Bucks in Ny Shawn what county was that in?
  18. Re: Handgun harvest entry thread I forgot to add details... once again sorry about the poor picture, it is aphoto of a photo. Opening day was a rough one after an uneventful morning. I decided to find a nice stump for the evening sit, a place I had never been to before. I was there about 15 minutes with this fella came walking up the draw, i saw he had a real nice sized body but could see too much of teh horns. I decided to not be so picky and take him, the shot was downhill at 40 yards, I caught him high in the shoulder and broke his back, he went down so I put a follow up shot in his chest. The gun is a 1970's Vitnage NM Ruger super blackhawk in .44mag with real stag handle grips, shot with open sights. Ammo : Federal permium 240 grain JHP's
  19. Re: How long to hang a deer? I've got to ask..why do people cut them up right away? is b/c of the temp.?..well we let them hang as long as 7 days if need be, if it is cold enough for the meat to freeze then there is no need, if the meat freezes then the bacteria that will "tenderize" the meat wil be killed, so around 40 is perfect. we rarely let them hang less that 3-4 days.
  20. Re: Handgun harvest entry thread sorry about the poor pics
  21. Re: Handgun Contest Entry page? sorry it took so long, but look at the neck on this guy....sorry about the no in field photo's
  22. Re: Texas Heart Shot? i've done it twice, once ona buck that had been gut shot that we were tracking and the other on a buck that was running away at 30 yards. both shots from my 12 guage hit a butt cheek... shattered the artery and kept on going, it has put them down quickly. not easy to dress but a very quick kill....if you are confident in the shot.