Re: Handgun harvest entry thread
I forgot to add details... once again sorry about the poor picture, it is aphoto of a photo.
Opening day was a rough one after an uneventful morning. I decided to find a nice stump for the evening sit, a place I had never been to before. I was there about 15 minutes with this fella came walking up the draw, i saw he had a real nice sized body but could see too much of teh horns. I decided to not be so picky and take him, the shot was downhill at 40 yards, I caught him high in the shoulder and broke his back, he went down so I put a follow up shot in his chest.
The gun is a 1970's Vitnage NM Ruger super blackhawk in .44mag with real stag handle grips, shot with open sights.
Ammo : Federal permium 240 grain JHP's