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Everything posted by mule659

  1. mule659


    What does everyone here think about the ufc? I am a huge fan and have been lucky enough to go to vegas for some of the events. Anyone else here a fan?
  2. mule659

    Must Watch TV?

    Re: Must Watch TV? Ultimate fighter when I get a chance and never miss a ufc pay per view fight
  3. Re: First Bow Buck DOWN!!!! Great story and that is one great deer!
  4. mule659

    Bad Hit

    Re: Bad Hit I know the feeling of making a bad hit and it's never easy. Good luck and keep your chin up
  5. Re: Under Armour Cold Gear I love mine. I find that it works a little better with something a little heavier than a t-shirt on over it.
  6. Re: My Muzzle Loader Buck(ooh pics!) thats an awesome looking buck
  7. mule659


    Re: Knife I have a folding gator by gerber. Awesome knife can go wrong with a gerber in my opinion
  8. Re: How did you get your username? mule was my nickname in the marine corps and 659 was the last 3 digits of my trucks serial number in my first tour to iraq
  9. Re: 2 bucks fighting after coyotes took a chunk out wow that is a sad video. Yotes suck! I cant wait to go kill more of them now.
  10. Re: Shot one! thats good stuff. Like you said at least you got him and didn't wound him.
  11. I am looking for a good palce to hunt hogs. I would like to use a bow but would have no problem breaking out the rifle by any means. I live in sw missouri. Does anyone know somewhere fairly close and affordable to go?
  12. Re: Ground Hogs Never hit one with the bow but I go out to my buddies place all the time with the .17 hmr or the DPMS M4 model in .223 and let them have it! Good times.
  13. Re: 140\" or better.. How many have U seen in your I have seen a ton of them...but that was on a bow hunting trip out in northeast montana. In my home area maybe 7 or so in my life and have gotten shots at none of them.
  14. Re: help with my traditions Thanks a lot! you guys are awesome
  15. Re: help with my traditions oops lol the quote messed up...I believe that is what I you know where I can order one?
  16. Re: help with my traditions [ QUOTE ] What does the tool look like? Does it have a groove on each end, one bigger than the other? Sounds like it may be the breech plug and nipple wrench. you can contact Traditions below, they should be able to help you out [/ QUOTE ]
  17. Re: Long Range Shooting demo Wow that's a pretty fun game
  18. Re: 50 Caliber Sabots....?? Wow now that is a good looking buck! I just got my first muzzleloader so I cant wait for season out here!
  19. Ok I got a question here. I dont really know much about black powder and my best friend just bought me my first muzzleloader. It is a traditions evolution series...nothing special as far as I can tell but should get the job done for me. The only problem is it came with a little black tool...again I dont know much about this stuff I am really new to blackpowder.. I believe it is to take a piece out of the breach area to clean and lube but I lost the tool. Can anyone tell me what this is called and where I can get a new one? I know I am kind of clueless lol but any help would be greatly appreciated.
  20. Re: .22 Magnum opinion My best friend has that same model in 22 mag and we both have marlin 17 hmr's they are both great shooting guns. I dont think you could go wrong here.
  21. Re: The Bear\'s 06 WT Buck Now that's an awesome buck!
  22. I was on my way to my treestand for an afternoon deer hunt the other day and spotted two yotes heading my direction in the field. I just got real low behind some brush and waited for them to come closer. I had let my buddy use my range finder the previous weekend and had not got it back yet so had to guess the range. I estimated the bigger one to be about 40 yards...I guess he was a little farther because I shot right under him. I was pretty sick actually. I doubt I get another chance at a yote with a bow any time soon. He sure took off quick though lol
  23. Re: got a .17 hmr..... I have a marlin model 917V in 17 hmr with a simmons 3-9x40 on top ( kinda cheap scope but works for now ) My farthest shot wat about 110 yards on a ground hog and about 80 yards on a squirrel. Both parfect head shots. I love this gun.
  24. Re: I blew it!!! Well I have not had any stories of missing this year but did blow it on a great buck by making a really bad hit. I wish that had been a miss. Dont worry though you'll get another crack at him or a bigger one and make up for it!
  25. I am shooting beman max 4 arrows and muzzy 100 grain 3 bladde broadheads. So far I have shot 3 deer with the same arrow and broadhead this year. Of course I make sure the arrow is not cracked or damaged, replace my blades and check the tip on my broadhead each time to make sure it is still shootable. Has anyone else had the same results with their arrow/broadhead set up? I am going to see how many I can get with the same combo before it needs to be replaced.