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Everything posted by double_drop

  1. Just wondering if anyone knows where I could still pick up some 380-16 Beamans??? I have yet to find an arrow with that small of a diameter be as strong as these arrows are.
  2. I have two scopes for sale. The tasco is used but the Thompson Center scope is brand new. The Tasco is a 4x32 fixed scope. Used to be on my .243 but hasn't been on my rifle for 3 years now. Would like to get $25 bucks shipped for it. The second scope is a Thompson Center Hawken Hunter Series 1x32. I saw these all over the internet for $120 to $130 plus shipping so I will sell it for $110 shipped. Below is the pic. The T/C is the smaller of the scopes.
  3. wood duck or a full plum shoveler!
  4. Well with no work the 2nd day in a row I needed to do something so went out this morning and took some pics. Notice the wood duck in the top left corner. I took the pic just as he was taking off. Kind of neat!!!!!!!!! This goose really reminds me of my dakotas with the side detail on this bird.
  5. Thanks guys it was a awesome weekend!!
  6. he was talking about the Iowa state duck/goose calling contest. Was a great day. Real tough competition. In the goose calling 3 big names were Big Shaun, Field Hundall, and Wade Walling. Field won the goose contest.
  7. Check this out. We had great hunts and ALOT of birds.
  8. Here are the updated pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Thanks guys ya it was cold windy and snowy. Heading to central illinois with the pro staff this weekend for some more honkers.
  10. Wow what a day. It was snowing and blowing but we still headed out. Got to the field right about shooting time this morning and were set up by 8am. Then the snow and wind really came down. We got 5 inches of snow while we were hunting this morning. Visibility most of the time was under 150 yards. Had a pair of mallards lock up and come right in that was pretty neat. Had one flock work a couple passes but I think the snow on the decoys might have made them not finish and then we had a loner come in on the deck for about 100 yards. Craig popped up and blasted him. In the pic you can tell he came in real well!!!! We were running 5 1/2 dozen FB, dakotas, hardcores, and Avery. Also had a dozen shells I think or maybe a few more. All in all for the amount of birds we saw and the way the weather was we had a good morning. Here is part of the spread couldn't get them all in one pic. Yes it all fit into my truck............. Next year I will have an enclosed trailer!!!! The kill for the day............. Think it was a close shot????
  11. double_drop

    Duck Gun

    after hunting with a buddy that has a SBE2 I would never recommend one to anyone. I have an xtrema and wouldn't trade it for the world. My buddy is going to be getting rid of his SBE2 soon. All this year most of the time it was either a single shot or a double shot. It wouldn't cycle no matter what shells he put in it. He cleaned it to specks even took it in twice to get it fixed.
  12. Overall it was a great year in my opinion. I met 3 new hunting buddies and had good hunts with them all from Wisconsin. We had some good hunts we had some bad hunts but still the bad hunts are good hunts when you are in good company. Here are a few pics from this fall in Wisconsin these are the better hunts. I hunted by myself also but to me it isn't as much fun hunting by yourself when you can hunt with good buddies. Early season goose with QW and Duck Magnet in my wheat field. Quacker Wacker, WI Sportsman, and myself with a few birds from a weekend hunt on Quacker wackers field. Another weekend hunt in Quacker Wackers Field. This day Schultzee also was with us. Another hunt with Quacker Wacker, WI sportsman, and myself in my field. Our sea duck hunt on Lake Michigan. Duck Magnet, QW, and myself once again. Finally yesterdays hunt. Again it was QW, WI sportsman, altrocker1, and myself in my corn field.
  13. I have some duck decoys for sale. Check them out!!!
  14. Check these out. They look excellent!!!
  15. ya those does love the 300 acre corn field out back along with the biologic food plot.
  16. Here are some I got off the camera from last night also. Here are the pics from the camera that I set out last night.
  17. Here are a few pics from this past weekend. I took them out the window of my parents place. Talked to my dad today also and he had 14 more pics on the deer camera today and am waiting to see the new pics. Check out the pics.
  18. I am glad to hear I am not the only one who wouldn't pass on him!!
  19. Here is the smaller of the two bucks from behind my parents house. My old man said he has passed on this one for the past 3 weeks with his bow. I don't think it better walk by me because I won't pass on him!!!!!!!!!!
  20. This was our first and soon to be annual sea duck hunt. Check out the link below.