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Everything posted by arrow32

  1. I feel as if since we have moved we will never get the house put together. I can sir and watch tv half way find things to cook with and shower. With me only being home on the weekends and ashley working all the time getting everything put together is taking forever. That and doing the other things we are committed to. One day we will have a clean house! Lol
  2. Id enjoy that but couldn't do updates. Service to spotty down where we are working right now. Cant always connect with my phone or laptop
  3. arrow32

    I'm a daddy!

    I hope your lucky like is colton would sleep for 4 to 6 hours at night without waking. Some night not so muxh but more than not he would. Thats funny about the cat!!
  4. arrow32

    I'm a daddy!

    Congrats to thw both of you!
  5. We have had the house a week tomorrow I've been here a total of 2 days. I've done many honey do things. Bad part I think other than painting they were all my just small things to make me feel better about being out of town and them being here. Porch lights things like that.
  6. He has some great ideas I think but on thst note even if he would win congress wont allow most of them. On the note of him lining his own pockets in the process of making America great again. I could do with that. Only led wing nuts could complain about him making a killing off what he is doing if he is helping the american people. We im lumping us all in to one not know in anyone's financial standing are loosing ground and there is going to be two groups with the dems the rich and in power and the peasants working for nothing to support all he free checks. So him lining his pockets if he is actaully able to help restore middle class I can live with that. Sorry for the big long paragraph phone wont let me separate the dang thing.
  7. arrow32

    Feeling old X 2

    Colton started a tad pole school thing today. Wasnt able to take him because I had to go back out of town but they said he loved it and was ready for mommy to leave. They get big to fast
  8. Thanks guys! Did a few odd things around the house this weekend that needed fixed. Back on the road now with work I dont think so Steve lol although I did mow last night.
  9. Looks like a good trip. Looks like they had a blast!
  10. Great pics. That's a nice buck. Im jealous woth everything I've got going on my scouting this year has suffered horribly.
  11. Well I made a post about a house. Since I've not been able to get on here due to where I've been working and bad service and wifi I am finally able. Today we closed on the house. Im glad we were finally able to get this done. Home inspection went as planned didnt tell me anything I didnt already know. Excited to get this new chapter started on our first home and many more great things to come. Going to start moving tomorrow. I'll make sure to post pics as soon as Im able to of our little home. Glad to finally own something and not be throwing away money for rent. Been a long time coming.
  12. You got that right! Not been able to get on here due to poor service amd bad Wi-Fi at the hotel. Got it here on my phone will see how this goes till I get some better WiFi for the computer
  13. Went back to work this week which I am glad always glad to go back to work. But I really hate being away from the family. Plan to be back in town tomorrow evening at some point can't wait to see them. Internet service here at the hotel is not great so not had the best of luck trying to get on here to see whats going on. Did a little fishing the other night tho after work. Didn't have much luck had probably a 20 inch muskie on had him about 2 foot from the bank and it got off about the time I was about to get him. Other than that had a great time fishing.
  14. That's a nice looking buck!
  15. Well good luck up there! I live in Wood.
  16. Thanks! I think we have gotten a really good deal. Just hope it all works out.
  17. You know I never thought of that. I'll have to do that when I'm out of town sitting in a hotel room. Pretty easy to take a little bit of stuff to practice.
  18. Hope she is getting better. Prayers on the way.
  19. That's great! Not to far off for me as well. I cant wait to get out and do some much need relaxing. Not been able to do any fishing to much this year due to all the rain and work but can't wait to get out and do some bowhunting.
  20. If all goes well with a home inspector this coming weekend you will be looking at a first time home owner of me and my wife.LOL Really hope all goes well we both like the house. Have got everything else worked out I just wanted this done for peace of mind on my part. I've worked on far to many houses to know better than not get one done. By my eyes everything will be fine but we shall see. I'm pretty excited. Not a farm but a nice house on a nice lot that's not going to have us strapped so we can't do anything. Hope to be in it next month! If all goes well I'll post pics in the next couple weeks.
  21. Well I signed up. Hope to hunt as much as possible but due to work I'm out of town 4 days a week so that will really limit me to only 2 days a week.