Re: My prom
after prom is were it's at buddy.....
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trust youngbuck, he knows what hes talkin about
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Think i know what im doing after prom. Bomb fire i hope.
Re: New bumper sticker....
I saw one the other day that said:
Help the Farmers
If you eat
You are part of Agriculture
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I saw one somthing like that.
Re: Calling birds before season.
I always here the uncles and people talking that theyd never do that because theyd smartin up the birds. So i never have.
Well the girlfriend is making me go to it. Ive tried everything to get out of going. Maybe its a good thing she's making me go. I think its like wear pants and stuff not like tuxs so i told her i was wearing camo and she said no.
Re: Hope I didnt mess up (new Hoyt)
Im cant wait to get a chance to go down to the shop and shoot the new trykon. I dont think you made a mistake tho hoyt great bow.