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Everything posted by arrow32

  1. Well I hope there able to work it out. I mean the Hillstrands, Sig and Phil are the only reason I watched the show. They were the kind of guys that didn't bs around with you it seemed like.
  2. It sucks to hit them high. I've hit one high before and I never did find the thing either. Had very little blood out of the shot as well. We tracked the thing for about 650 yards I'd say with pretty much no blood.
  3. Good luck in the morning. Those ones can be hard to find. If nothing else just make some circles and slowly make them bigger as you walk. You'll find her if she's dead.
  4. He'll be back. Lay off of it and hit it again here sometime in a few days.
  5. Thats awesome!! Haha video was pretty cool I like that.
  6. arrow32

    Coffee Pots

    Ok I know what your talking about. Just never heard it called that.
  7. Congrats on a great lookin buck!
  8. I've not saw to much but some people on the farm beside us have some nice pics of some bucks so I'm hoping one wonders over my way:D Have found some good sign tho so thats promising.
  9. Great pics. Amazing looking country up that way.
  10. Awesome buck. Shooter in my book. Inless i knew there is something bigger.
  11. arrow32

    Coffee Pots

    Thanks steve. Good to be back. Those 50 and 60 hour weeks over the past 4 or 5 months were about to kill What the heck is a percolating pot?
  12. arrow32

    Almost here

    Atleast you've been out. I won't have the time this year to put in to the woods like I have years past but I will be getting out a couple days a week so I'll make the best of the time I have.
  13. Our season here in WV is gettin close as well. I can't wait to get out and do some tree time.
  14. arrow32

    Coffee Pots

    Never thought about the evaporating but coffee is made a few times a day around here so I don't think we will have to worry about that.
  15. Congrats on a great buck steve! Bigger than most bucks people shoot around here:D
  16. arrow32

    Almost here

    Bow season's almost here and I'm no where near being ready I don't feel like. I have stands hung up at the one farm but have yet to make it to Bellville because of the tornado and then truck problems. On a good note tho my bow is sighted in and ready to rock:D The 16th is going to get here before I know it tho and I'll be sitting up in a tree passin hours on by. I think this season snuck up on me a little bit with working so much and everything I didn't have near the amount of time I like to have to get ready. Did get quite a bit of scouting in this year tho and all the Persimon trees and nut bearing trees are loaded so its all ready off to a better start than last year:D My honey hole is going to be a hot spot:rockon:
  17. arrow32

    Arrow Rests

    When I buy my new bow next year I'll be putting a QAD rest on it. There great rest's.
  18. arrow32

    Coffee Pots

    Anyone here have a Bunn coffee pot? Dad just went through the 2nd coffee pot on the year the other day so mom brings home a Bunn. Now what the heck you leave the thing on all the time and just add water to it when you want to make coffee. I don't like it I want our old pot back. It is nice tho looks kinda tuff sittin over there.LOL
  19. I hate going to walmart anymore never have anything so I rarely go inless I have to. But there hunting section at our walmart ain't to bad it has quite a bit of stuff in it.