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Everything posted by Dakota

  1. Great story, Jeff! Always love speed goats.
  2. I was working tonight and guess who walked into the Pizza Ranch asking if I was working? That's right, Mr. Hammerforged himself, Ross Tyser! Ross and family are staying with Ray Kelly, a great local wildlife artist, and his wife and decided to grab a bite to eat at the good ol' ranch. While we couldn't talk long, it was great to see him and I look forward to meeting him again! Great meeting you, buddy; we'll have to get you after some South Dakota speed goats one of these years. Dakota
  3. Steve, there are no words to describe how sad I am for your loss. God bless you and know that Rilda is now in the best place imaginable...home with Jesus! Love you, my friend! Dakota
  4. Absolutely! Rilda is the sweetest woman on the face of the earth and has the kindest, gentlest heart and a humble spirit. What a lovely lady and it has been a priviledge to have been able to meet her on a couple occasions. Steve, sorry I haven't been following on here, but I've kept up on things via Randean's facebook page. May the Lord's blessings and peace be with you all, sir. Dakota
  5. Hate to hear it, Joe. It's never easy when friends die, especially in ways we don't understand. God's peace be with you and the young man's family and friends. Dakota
  6. Happy Birthday, Jeramie! Dakota
  7. Thanks, again, everyone! Dakota
  8. I can see what you mean, but it looks great to me! Dakota
  9. I hear ya', Jeramie. Duck season's fun...but I'm more looking forward to goose season. The ol' 10 gauge is itchin' to dump some Canadians. Got my first goose decoys ever (four-pack Big Foot floaters) last year and, paired with my buddy's standing/feeding decoys along the shore, they're deadly. Yes, waterfowl season can't get here soon enough. Dakota
  10. Hey, thanks, William! It feels weird...the next "milestone" birthday is 30. lol Dakota
  11. Dakota

    Not guilty?

    There are no words to describe such an abominable verdict. That's really all I can say right now.
  12. Hey, I hear ya', haven't been on in a while myself. Good to see you back! Dakota
  13. Despicable. I loved watching his DVDs...I think they're about to hit the trash bag now.
  14. Ugh...there's a reason Satan took the form of a snake. lol Keep an eye out for more and make sure the little 'uns are safe. Dakota
  15. Yeah, Jim has definitely become like an uncle to me. This was actually our second hunt together. We had a fun time, along with Pete Brownell, chasing turkeys in Wyoming in the spring of '09. Yes, Steve, it is difficult, especially when you know you can make the shot but the cameraman's not on him. But I've gotten semi-used to it. Here's a link to the home video footage my dad took of the hunt for all of us that have not seen the episode: YouTube - Dakota Case Buffalo Hunt Thanks, all! Dakota
  16. Me, too! I haven't seen it yet, but I'll walk into class and have people asking me if I shot a buffalo. lol Hope y'all enjoyed it and thanks for the comments (haven't read them all yet, I just had to quote Jeremy here )! Dakota
  17. Dakota

    God's guideance

    Prayers sent from SD!
  18. Awesome mounts! Dakota
  19. Ugh! Hate to hear that, Muff. May you have all the luck that life can hold and, at the end of all your rainbows, may you find a pot of gold. Here's to a better day for you, buddy! Dakota
  20. Canada goose season closed in December, but we're having some pretty good snow goose hunting right now. But the spring Canadas are dumber'n heck. lol I could easily shoot my limit 3 or 4x over. I think a buddy and I are going to set up some dekes this afternoon and hope geese come by. He's got 3 dozen Snows and we've got a bunch of Canadas between the two of us. I think even with Canada goose season closed, we can still use the Canada dekes as a confidence booster. Dakota
  21. Thanks, guys! Wooly, it's a Kodak EasyShare C913. Dakota