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Everything posted by QDMAworks4me

  1. Re: Got one of the Big 8\'s Nice buck, it is nice to have some pictures on the trail cam of when he was alive. Congrats
  2. Re: 8-Pointer Looks like a nice buck.
  3. Re: Stealth Cam Bucks..... Wow that is nice enough to make guys like me jealous, nice land, and great bucks
  4. Re: One of my young 11pts. QDM at work!!! QDM sure has some advantages and I see that the program is working well for you!!
  5. Re: A few views of my hunting area... That is really a nice piece of property. How many acres do you have there?
  6. QDMAworks4me

    Big Buck

    Re: Big Buck Well you are being a good friend, does he have visitation rights,
  7. QDMAworks4me


    Re: Joke HAHA pretty funny!!
  8. Re: Son\'s first deer and a buck at that. Your first deer always seems to be one of the most memorable, hope he enjoys it. Congrats to you and your son.
  9. Re: Taking a kid hunting is priceless I am happy for your deer and I am sure that your memory is a bigger trophy. Congrats on both..
  10. Re: Michelle\'s first buck 11-13-05 Real nice buck Michelle!! Congrats
  11. Re: My ten pointer(pics) Great buck congrats
  12. Re: I shot a deer...Finally!! I shot my first buck right the same day my dad got a nice buck, it kind of reminds me of your story. Congrats!!
  13. Re: One More Doe!! Your 3.5 year old deer are very small, our 6 month old deer here in NY are about that size. But anyways congrats on the doe.
  14. Re: I\'m puzzled by this.... Have your food sources changed this year as opposed to last year, there may not be as many bucks this year due to lack of food? Just a thought.
  15. Re: What my 10 pointer looks like now (PICS) What type of things did you have the butcher do with your meat? I am curious because I would like to try some differnt things and see what you might have for suggestions?
  16. Re: I CAN\'T BELIEVE I MISSED ANOTHER BIG BUCK Sounds like a clean miss to me, I have had the same problem with my muzzleloader with open sights. I am going to put a scope on it and I would suggest the same to you. It is frustrating but I am sure your luck will change.
  17. Re: Hank Jr Deer I wish I had the chance to see something like this deer and to take it is even greater, it is a great buck.
  18. Re: Spineshots 8PT. Nice shot congrats
  19. Re: 05 BP buck Nice buck congrats
  20. Re: MY BIG 8!!!!!!!! It is great to see that QDM is working for you, and it amazes me how many deer that live on your property you never see until rut kicks in..
  21. Re: MY BIG 8!!!!!!!! Do you practice QDM on your property?
  22. Re: MY BIG 8!!!!!!!! Nice buck, congrats.
  23. Re: Anybody been \"scoped\" while hunting? There are to many careless hunters out there!! That is what gives guns and our sport a bad reputation with some people.
  24. Re: does???? I have been to a lot of seminars on different things involving deer and deer habitat and what I have picked up is that there are a lot of advantages to shooting does. Here in New York we have a large number of does and on our farm we have a management program that is working out great. On our 500 acres we take an average of 5 to 7 does a year. There has been a few years were we have not taken all the does and it ends up the next few years there is not enough food to support the hole heard the way it should be. We have not had a hard winter around here in awhile but if we do with our numbers being as large as they are we are going to loose a lot of deer because they have eaten all the food during the summer and fall. It is important in my opinion to take the does for meat and take only the large bucks and you will see that the deer heard will be much healthier and that the bucks will be much bigger.