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Everything posted by HoosierDaddy28

  1. I saw a buck running this morning. Hopefully the cold front will make it in this weekend.
  2. Great pics and great story. I love hunting out west.
  3. Brad is an outfitter on the Red River for trophy cats out of North Dakota. We are considering using him this spring for a couple of days. Has anyone used him or heard anything about him?
  4. Brad is an outfitter on the Red river for catfish. Has anyone used him or have any feedback?
  5. Shoule be good hunting the next couple of weeks. Can't wait to get down to the farm. I have the first week of gun season off.
  6. Yeah, my uncle killed a 180 class buck a couple of years ago and it basically ruined hunting for me. We have a lot of people who sit on the line now. Last year I caught a guy who put up a ground blind on the wrong side of the fence.
  7. Well, at least Montana out of state deer tags are cheap. LOL
  8. That's a heck of a question Where you going with it?
  9. My uncle killed a very big whitetail 3 years ago and all it got us was people hunting the fencelines.
  10. My dad is retiring next year and my brother and I are going to treat him to a fishing trip. Does anyone have any advice regarding a good outfitter for either Red River Catfish or a really good quality Canadian Fly in trip. My dad worked two full time jobs for the majority of my life and would never treat himself to something like this so we really want to get hooked up with a quality outfit.
  11. How much and how many members on the property? What are the limitations?
  12. We had on OK year. The last 3 or 4 have been better. We had some people who were basically hunting the fenceline this year morning and night for the first week of season that kind of messed things up. The ironic thing is that someone stole their ground blind.
  13. I don't believe the xd is a 1911 is it? I have a springfield Operator TRP and it is great.
  14. Does anyone know what happened to Hoosierhunting.com? I used to go there and read the posts, but apparently it is gone.
  15. I used to shoot competitive skeet and trap in college. One of the most fun experiences of my life.
  16. I don't know what the popular answer will be on this, but I leave mine loaded until season is over or until I shoot it at a deer.
  17. My best season was 54, but that was when I was in college had a lot of time on my hands.
  18. I also use high brass 6's. 8's are good for 16yd trap, but big ol fox squirreld can be tough.
  19. If you hunt in MT with an Outfitter for deer it is a guaranteed tag. Expect to pay about $775 for the tag. Antelope is on a draw and depending on the area the chances go from 10% to 85% for out of staters. I have hunted in MT a couple of times with Hidden Valley Outfitters. If you call them request to hunt with Don Mawyer. I shot a decent antelope one year and a pretty nice mulie the next. The guy I went out there with wounded a 30" mulie.
  20. Sounds like I need to subscribe to a different site. I'm dumb enough already......
  21. It is my favorite weekend of the year. My whole family gets together to hunt, dad, brother, uncles. Looks like it should be great hunting weather! Good luck
  22. Could have been a neck shot as well. That will drop a deer most of the time and there is plenty of room to hit one and it not be fatal.
  23. I grew up in the country on a farm in Southern Indiana, but now I have to live the suburban life. I still hunt as much as I can, but now I guess I am one of those "city hunters". Just curious to see how many of you still get to live out in the country.