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Everything posted by Born2Hunt

  1. I'm a bit on the to heavy side to try to climb that one!
  2. What the heck? I spent 2 hours laying out stairs and no pictures of me. I see how you roll now!
  3. I really have no idea how we would get my Timberlodge that high in the air.
  4. Good lesson for the boy. I'm glad you do not have a short fuse like I have started to develop over the last few years.
  5. I have also beat scopes and long stabilizers many times over. I also agree all well tuned bows shoot good. Now lets look at a 3-D situation. I pull up, see my target, estimate my range at 38 yards and release. Bang! A perfect x ring,could not be happier. Joe Blow walks up with his new Monster calls a 32 yard shot and cuts the x ring. Guess what you have just been beat by a bow not a shooter. It happens every day. A perfect estimate on yardage and a perfect shot with a Bear Whitetail can be matched by a sloppy distance estimator and a 360 fps bow. Same goes for hunting. If I shoot at a deer with my Drenalin at 30 yards and the deer is 35 yds away I'm still going to kill it. Is the same true for my old Bear Whitetail? Nothing against Bear Whitetail it was my first compound bow years ago. Besides why should anyone care what I or anyone else does with our money. Some trade cars,trucks,boats motorcycles,sleds,guns the list goes on. I'd like to add bows to this list.
  6. I'm one of those people that like to trade every few years. I and many others do this for a few reasons. I am into bows! I love bows! I shoot a lot, maybe too much! I shoot 3-D, indoor 5 spot and hunt with my bow at least 20 days per year. If you want to compete with the new equipment every year you need the newest toys on the market. Some out there may think I'm nuts but others who compete know this is true. I have been beat by equipment on several occasions not the shooter. If all I did was hunt I would still be happy with my 10 year old Mathews. Besides I like to stimulate the economy!
  7. Impressed I was not! I'm old school I guess. I made some good changes so everyone says.
  8. I still love the ol' finger nail painting while someone is sleeping.
  9. I have the raging bull in 44mag. The Hornaday XTP's are the best shooters I have found yet. I have yet to try the new Hornadays.
  10. I say Mathews all the way but I understand your delima. Just take your hunting set up and shoot the class your gear fits into. Why spend $500 or so for another package to 3d shoot when you don't have to? Go shoot and have fun.
  11. After years of shooting nothing but a Bodoodle rest with great success I have purchased a QAD ultra rest HD pro. It was like giving up my first born child. I hope I have no regrets. My pro shop said it will be the best upgrade I can make right now with my 5 spot shooting. I average 294 out of 300 so maybe that 300 will come someday soon!
  12. The Lynch's fool proof is a great call. I hated the sound indoors but outside it talks some serious turkey.
  13. I wish I could add to this, but I cant.
  14. I have had and I have seen much smaller deer mounted. He is a stud for sure. It's never to late to have him mounted.
  15. This is just how I do it.
  16. I shoot an 835 with that same choke tube. The only pattern I can get that is worth a darn is Winchester Supremes 3 1/2 #5 2 1/4 oz. I get about 130 holes in the kill zone at 40 yds.