Hey now Jeremie! Calling someone a scab because they are not union is quite an insult, whether you realize it or not there are for more of us non-union boys out there making the world go round then there is union. I consider myself a true craftsman and quite an accomplished carpenter. Why do I have to be called a scab because I am not union? Can you image the lawsuits that would be filed on behalf of the unions if us employers used derogatory terms like that to refer to a union employee? You can bet your rear there woould be and anyone that doesn't agree is nieve (spelling). That scab worker has mouths to feed just like a union worker does, to them work is work. I have a buddy thats a union ironworker thats been on the bench since last october with no work, but there is a ton of work going on, he just can't take it because they are not union shops. Tell me how much the unions helping them right now? And I am not uset by any means Jeremy, but calling someone a scab because they don't believe in the union way is not cool