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Everything posted by mike

  1. got stands trimmed out yesterday! still pretty hot here yet and not much moving yet, but will be on stand this week sometime!!! can't wait!
  2. That time of year again and I thought I would just say remember your safety systems folks! I had a close call yesterday while trimming a stand and about went off a 20 ft ladder stand! Luckily my arm got caught in the top of the stand, pulled my shoulder muscles pretty bad and bruised up my fore arm but thats pretty minor compared to what could have happened! So for yours and your family sake remember your safety gear friends and good luck this season!
  3. Just an idea but have you thought about running a wire down low on the inside of your fence, like about 6 inches off the ground and just using an electric fencer? A couple nicks from that and they will stay clear of the fence I would think.
  4. Hey Jeremie! I put up a petsafe fenceless yard a few weeks ago that i bought from Theisens and I would definately recommend it. Works like a charm with my 5 month old lab pup and it only took a a few times before he caught on. In less than a week he was staying outside all day when we are at work. I rented a trencher type machine at the local hardware store and wired up an acre and a half in a couple hours.
  5. mike

    Tea Party?

    While i do agree with alot of the things I have been hearing from these Tea Party backed canidates, I can't help but fear that this movement is going to divide the republican vote and make it difficult to get conservatives back in washington. Anyone else feel this happening?
  6. mike

    Are you brave enough?

    this is the most recent i have uploaded, me and my son a few years back
  7. Hey boys! sorry i am late checking in! I plan on getting alot of field time this year!! Good luck!
  8. mike

    Well Witching

    i have found a few water lines and even some sewer lines doing it. i am a believer
  9. as much as i hate the idea of it being built there ya kinda agree with this statement here. No one would say a word if it was a church being built.
  10. Wow, this thread is getting some action! LOL My only issue with the whole subject is the derogatory term SCAB used to describe a worker that isn't union. Seriously?? so almost 90% of the work force are made up of people who don't deserve to work because they are not union? And to refer to the comment earlier about how we only get treated well at our place of emloyment is because of unions?? HA! I like to think i got were i am today because of my loyalty and work ethic thank you very much!
  11. mike

    Who has today off?

    I DO!!! Just relaxing with the family. Got up early and got a big ole brisket on the smoker that I injected and marinated and going to throw a couple pork loins on the weber rotessiere (spelling). We have a big family reunion in a couple weeks that I got volunteered to cook for so I am doing a little marinade testing today. Hope everyone had a great fourth full of friends and family!
  12. mike

    house progress

    Looks great William! I assume that is a finished ceiling above the pantry? I would just finish the boards on up to the floor above, notching them around the one floor joist. so your wood walls go on up and meet the bottom of the floor upstairs. Maybe leave a 1/4 inch gap though so you don't get any squeeks. Just an idea. Sure is a beautiful home!
  13. well my expirience with unions are that they are fanatical! Your either union or your nobody, so much for people having choices eh? :D:D:D
  14. i just shot beer out my nose! thanks mugsy lol
  15. mike

    I'm a moron!

    Oh Chris, you know darn well you have been a moron alot longer than just now!!! LOL congrats bud!
  16. According to wikipedia only about 12% of our work force is union and over half of them are public employees
  17. Hey now Jeremie! Calling someone a scab because they are not union is quite an insult, whether you realize it or not there are for more of us non-union boys out there making the world go round then there is union. I consider myself a true craftsman and quite an accomplished carpenter. Why do I have to be called a scab because I am not union? Can you image the lawsuits that would be filed on behalf of the unions if us employers used derogatory terms like that to refer to a union employee? You can bet your rear there woould be and anyone that doesn't agree is nieve (spelling). That scab worker has mouths to feed just like a union worker does, to them work is work. I have a buddy thats a union ironworker thats been on the bench since last october with no work, but there is a ton of work going on, he just can't take it because they are not union shops. Tell me how much the unions helping them right now? And I am not uset by any means Jeremy, but calling someone a scab because they don't believe in the union way is not cool
  18. I haven't been around much lately but it has had nothing to do with the forums. I am a contractor and summer time is bread and butter, I have to pump the hours in while the weather is good and when I am off I am usually relaxing and resting and don't get on the computer. I am sure Buckee and some others in the industry are the in the same boat. Then there is my sons baseball games and his 4-H lambs, my daughters softball games, and trying to golf when i can. Summer is just a busy time especially if you have kids. Well there's my 2 cents, take it or leave it :D
  19. Lol dawg! I think its technically a cold water heater lol
  20. mike

    Gas Grills

    that would be operator error, not the charcoals fault lol
  21. mike

    Gas Grills

    in a word........... charcoal..... lol, if ya want gas use the stove lol