I remember a lot of the build up to that as well William. There was a line drawn right through the forums with people choosing sides. Unfortunately it ended with a lot of hard feelings and a good deal of members not participating in the forums anymore. But with like real life friends, after time people cool off and lay old things to rest and move on. Thats all I am saying here. I could see some one being put on probationary period so to speak to see if they just want to come back and rock the boat (which I can't see Will doing), but to slam the door and not forgive and forget? Doesn't sound much like the slogan of family, friends, and outdoors. Thats all I have to say, again no disrespect. I don't want to turn this into an open forum debate or anything. I just think with the state of these forums as of late, we can use all the well meaning, contributing forum members we can get.