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Everything posted by mike

  1. Got food poisoning last time I ate chinese :bummed:
  2. I remember a lot of the build up to that as well William. There was a line drawn right through the forums with people choosing sides. Unfortunately it ended with a lot of hard feelings and a good deal of members not participating in the forums anymore. But with like real life friends, after time people cool off and lay old things to rest and move on. Thats all I am saying here. I could see some one being put on probationary period so to speak to see if they just want to come back and rock the boat (which I can't see Will doing), but to slam the door and not forgive and forget? Doesn't sound much like the slogan of family, friends, and outdoors. Thats all I have to say, again no disrespect. I don't want to turn this into an open forum debate or anything. I just think with the state of these forums as of late, we can use all the well meaning, contributing forum members we can get.
  3. No disrespect intended here William, but the guy did apologize. I think jumping to banning Will again would just add to more of the atmosphere around here that has been driving people away. I see a lot of people here, that do a good deal of posting, welcoming the guy back. Like I said William, no disrespect intended to you or any other Mod, but I for one think Will was a great contributing member in the past, and a lot of fun. just my 2 cents. Glad to see you back Will, hopefully others can bury the hatchet and move forward as well!
  4. I think I kinda remember you.............who are you again???? lol
  5. mike


    Congratulations Steve! Glad everything turned out okay!
  6. our gas and electric are together, and we are on what they call budget billing. They charge the same amount every month you just pay an average. runs around 300 a month. thats a big older home with a hot tub that the heater runs year round, and a pool that the pumps runs 6 or 7 months a year.
  7. Isn't there someone that hasn't posted their 13 points or something yet??
  8. well guys its tag soup for me. Frustrating!!!!!!!!!! I hunted my hind end off this winter and just couldn't put it together, sorry guys.
  9. Surfing the foruns on the android app from the blind as we speak! Last chance to get a deer for me wish me luck lol
  10. Some of our counties up here have a pretty small population in them John. Kinda like the electoral votes, where someone can win the popular vote but not the election lol
  11. Try substituting a bold and spicy bloody mary mix instead of tomato juice sometime. Adds some real interesting flavors. I have done it with goulash also.
  12. There's only one America's team and last I knew it was from Texas! lol GO COWBOYS!
  13. How to Clean Cosmoline | eHow.com
  14. I got a deer drag, a can call, and a nice tracking light from Jeramie! Thanks bud!!
  15. In the blind this morning. Cold and a bit breezy for opening day of gun season. Thankfully I got a ground blind set up with a heater! About 5 degrees here now. Supposed to get over 30 for the first time in a couple weeks. Hopefuly connect with something this morning.
  16. Hey guys! Sorry for only getting to check in once in a while but lifes just busy for me this fall. Been seeing quite a few deer, unfortunately haven't been able to connect with the bow yet. Going to hit it hard this weekend for gun season, should get something down I would hope.
  17. Not 100% sure Iowa State would want to go another round with the Cowboys LOL. Might be some payback involved! ISU did play one of the toughest schedules this year and made bowl eligibility though. Should have beat Kansas State yesterday too. That being said I think OSU is still a contender and I would like to see them play for the title. Besides..... how great would it be for an Iowa State fan to be able to say they were the only team this year to beat the National Champs! lol
  18. I'm a little bias but I think ISU should play!!
  19. We at out last night for my wife's company Christmas party at this little Italian joint. I tried this dish called Lousiana Linguini, man was it good! It had grilled sirloin tips, mushrooms, bacon and green onions in what seemed to be a cajun spiced alfredo type sauce over linguini noodles. I am going to try and duplicate it, I will let you know what I used and how it turned out. Or if anyone else wants to try something post your recipe and results!
  20. mike

    It works!!!

    getting old my friend! lol
  21. mike

    It works!!!

    LOL!!! After all this time.............................. The chat room is working again!
  22. Been swamped at work so not much time to get on the computer. Been getting out on the weekends though, finally seeing some deer but not getting in range. Gun season for me will start up soon so we will see if i can connect. You know this Benji boy, we have been keeping up via text message! lol
  23. Great game last night! I would have never thought they would knock off Okie State. The ISU defense really stepped up to the challenge I thought. If the offense would have played as well as the defense did that game wouldn't have been close! Way to go ISU!