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Everything posted by mike

  1. Talking with Ben vie text meassage and surfing the forums from 20 ft up in my new viper ss! Found a good deal on one today. Most comfy stand I own. Hope to connect with atleast a doe tonight!
  2. On stand as I type. Pretty warm today around 70 but hoping to atleast fill a doe tag and get some points on the board
  3. Believe it or not fellas I just got out to the timber for the first time today. Season started last weekend and I have been so swamped with work I haven't been able to even get out to the new hunting ground. My son and I went out and threw up a couple stands and scope the place out today on the four wheeler. This place is amazing!! Should produce something I would think. I got a doe tag to fill up so I will pop the first antlerless one that goes by then buck hunt the remainder of the year. Going to sit tomorrow morning and evening and see whats moving where, probably take a few sits scouting to get a handle on things. Good luck and I will check in tomorrow and let you know how it went!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Benji's got a girlfriend benji's got a girlfriend......... lmao
  5. Hey gang! Just grabbing a quick bite to eat and catching up on here. I finally have some time and got a hold of the guy that owns the new timber I got permission to hunt this year! Going out tomorrow night to check it out and find the property lines with him. Its about an 80 acre parcel of timber with a big pond. The dam of the pond is a huge natural funnel between to larger timbers. Well I guess back to my salad and cold piece of chicken lol. Then back to work!
  6. Hey Team! Sorry I haven't contributed much yet! Work has had me swamped lately. Should be slowing up a bit and getting back down to atleast a 40 hour week now so maybe I can be on here a bit more! lol
  7. Seen it quite a few times Kyle. Actually most of the movie was filmed right around here in central Iowa. The farm house at the end is in Eldora, Iowa. About 30 miles from me.
  8. Hey guys! Whatever name everyone else like I'm down with! Our season opens oct.1 also. Good luck!
  9. I have to peach trees that are just loaded with fruit this year and I got to thinking last night what to do with them all. I did a little research on the internet and found a great recipe for some peach salsa!! Man is it ever good, just made a batch and sampling it as we speak! I like it a bit hotter than the recipe recommended so I added an extra Jalapeno. I also really like hot wings so I went the sweet hot road and made some peach habenero sauce with the fresh peaches and the carribean red habeneros I grew in the garden. Going to whip up some boneless wings tomorrow and give it a try!! Let you all know how it turns out. I will try to get some pics of everything with the recipes
  10. Hey when your remodeling somethings are unavoidable. I know how it goes for sure. Love the hickory too, that's the route I think I am heading when I remodel mine.
  11. Love the big crown! Looks real nice. Too bad the windows couldn't have been the same size, kinda throws it off a bit, but the cabinets look great!!
  12. mike

    At what point

    :eat: :poke:
  13. mike

    Hey all!

  14. mike

    Hey all!

    That's it, lol, Haven't had much time lately to stop in and say hi. Hope everyone is having a great summer
  15. Jeager marinade???? lol looks good!
  16. Not a clue who it is Ben
  17. Hey Jeramie, the zoo is a great place, we went a few years back and loved it. Lots of flooding going on around the missouri river right now though. I would imagine its fine though.
  18. Thats great Kyle! Good looking kid ya got there. They sre do change your life don't they.
  19. mike

    Yo Benji.....

    I guess the point I was trying to make was factory motors, trannys and rear ends aren't designed for that much stress.
  20. mike

    Building Trusses?

    I see what your saying. Your right about sticking the first then, you would have 4ft to make up any difference. Just makes sure your heel heighth at the plate is the same, and your height 20ft in is correct and have the rest built. We home built trusses for my folks's 40'x50' garage and it took forever. I always do whatever it takes to order them for my jobs. They have really come along ways with what they can do with truss systems.
  21. mike

    Building Trusses?

    I assume you are adding on to a gable end??? You shuld be able to strip the siding off the gable and measure from the bottom of the bottom cord to the peak at the middle of of the truss. The manufacturer should send one of there in house engineers to come out and do the measuring and hit them real close. Stick building an entire roof is no fun and quite time consuming, done alot of it over the years and I try to avoid it at all possible. lol
  22. mike

    Yo Benji.....

    Its been my expirience that all the big rim and tire is nothing but show, if ya ain't got the engine and tranny to turn them. Thats alot of stress added to the drive train IMHO
  23. mike

    Building Trusses?

    They surely can build them to match your existing pitch can"t they??? I am almost positive I have ordered trusses that way before.