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Everything posted by rhine16

  1. Re: Your Season Opener? Sept 30... don't think it will ever get here
  2. Re: any mississippi bowhunters of course.... if season is open, i'm going to be in the woods...
  3. Re: The dreams have started..... I kill two or three monsters a day... too bad it's when i doze off in class
  4. Re: Whitetails and Peanuts? I've heard the peanut butter thing works pretty well
  5. rhine16

    Tree stands

    Re: Tree stands I'd go with a gorilla climber for sure...
  6. Re: wally world carbon express terminator arrows I ended up buying some from wal mart right before season last year because i was running out of practice arrows... I liked them so much i decided to hunt with them instead of my vapors... Only problem i had was one breaking in half going through a deer.. but of course that is far from being a problem
  7. Re: release I have always used a Tru ball but i lost mine coming out of the woods last season and unfortunately it rained overnight and hasn't been right since... however when i go to the bow shop this week i'm almost positive i will be buying another tru ball
  8. Re: Problem High and Left another thing is to not shoot after your arms get tired because you will start pulling and shaking... just shoot as many days as you can and adjust as needed just don't change your pins when your arms are tired
  9. Re: Help with nocturnal deer!! i believe every bowhunter has your problem.... All i know to tell you is to check the times of your photos and see if they're coming right after dark or right before daylight or what and then try to get them coming into or out of their bedding area... don't try anything too risky though cause as you said you are likely to see them come rut...
  10. Re: Who\'s been seeing big deer? Got a few pics of a ten about 16 or 17 wide... nice for where i'm from... i'll be looking for him come September 30
  11. Re: TruGlo sights? I have the ultra extreme 3 pin... Never a problem out of it... Now for how many pins to use, that depends on the bow and your fps... if you're shooting 300 or more fps yeah you might can use 5 but other wise 3 is fine... i shoot around 265 fps and plan to set my 3 pins for 25 35 and 45 this year... last year i had them at 20 30 40
  12. Re: Facemask or No Facemask? I've worn the same facemask for all 7 years i have hunted... it's really a net... doesn't matter if i'm bow or gun hunting (unless i'm in a shooting house)... whatever i can to do to better my chances i do... Cause down here in Mississippi you don't get that chance with the big boy but one or two times a season and i'm not risking my chance
  13. Re: NOW its time for the countdown to BEGIN! begins Saturday Sept 30 here in MS... been counting down since January 31st... which was last day of season and when i had my only bow kill last season...
  14. Re: days hunting deer i go about 2 evenings a week after school... friday evening, saturday morning and evening, and sunday evening and sunday morning about every other week