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Everything posted by rhine16

  1. Re: climbing stand? Look at the gorillas... i have an old man, but it's the same thing... easily most comfortable stand i've ever hunted in
  2. Re: OSU v. Texas will find out how good Colt McCoy really is.... j Ohio State 24 Texas 18
  3. Re: NFL vs College Football? college.... in both football and basketball.... players are playing for their schools tradition not $
  4. Re: my b-day present looks good.... wish i could talk my parents into buying me something that nice...
  5. Re: What is your favorite I love it all, but the first light is my favorite.... its just something about being there when everything starts to wake up....
  6. Re: Gorrila brand climbing stand The Gorrilas are the Ol Man.... they bought them out.... But i have had the Ol Man for 5 years and wouldn't dare buy anything else.... Both my uncle and dad just bought the gorilas because they like mine so much...
  7. Re: Week 1 NFL Picks... Denver jets baltimore COLTS cincinatti washington san diego houston carolina chicago
  8. Re: When play becomes WORK I would kill to have their jobs.... you can say it would be work and would take the fun out of hunting all you want, but it beats being stuck in an office all day( and getting to hunt just weekends because of work). I am currently a senior in high school and undecided of a major... people trying to help me find one ask me what i like to do and of course the answer is to hunt... but the only thing i can think of to do is be a wildlife biologist, however i am told I have way too much brain to make that little of money.... but anyway my point is that what Bill, David, and Michael get to do is my "dream job"... They've got to be the luckiest people in the world.... i think that everyone is different after they succeed (have a kill)... personally after i mark where the deer went, i bury my head in my hands or the tree and usually just reflect on what just happened and thank God it did... Of course i'm not on camera...
  9. rhine16

    Classic Country

    Re: Classic Country like George Strait
  10. Re: Bow hunting or Gun hunting both.... but my passion is bow hunting.... the year i started hunting(when i was 10), i bow hunted before i gun hunted....
  11. rhine16

    Sept 2nd 06' P&Y

    Re: Sept 2nd 06\' P&Y congratulation.... He looks good...
  12. Re: Northcentral PA Pics nice deer
  13. Re: hard horn what kind of plot is that?
  14. Re: Age this one. 3.5 to 4.5.... looks like a shooter for sure
  15. Re: T-MINUS 17 HOURS and Counting........ he looks good.... hope you get him
  16. Re: Out of velvet and summer coats!! I'd let him walk in Iowa... will be a good deer in two years....
  17. Re: Wyoming whitetail trip cancelled ... sickness my prayers are with you
  18. Re: caged hunt\'s or in fenced area . that kind of hunting, no sorry that aint hunting that's shopping, makes me sick.... nothing to it but shooting, which is WAY down on my list of why i love hunting
  19. Re: hunting when very windy i've always heard and believed that the deer move when the wind is blowing hard because it makes them nervous and they can't hear or smell what is going on around them so they will get up and move around.... And you are never wasting your time if you're in the woods.... you only get so many chances to go a year-
  20. Re: Salt Lick Placement Baiting isn't legal here ( Althought it almost got passed.... so glad it didn't) so i can't help you
  21. Re: Do you know where you will be? depends on the wind... either in a big oak hollow, or in some cutover where there are 5 or 6 white oaks clumped together and a trail to a big pond...