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Everything posted by rhine16

  1. Re: What is going on??? [ QUOTE ] Big Bright Light in Sky at Night...BAD MOJO [/ QUOTE ] Ditto
  2. Re: Youngster scores big on 1st ever bowhunt!! that's awesome... Glad to see somebody in MS killed a deer instead of getting killed by mosquitos...
  3. rhine16

    MN Sept Bruiser

    Re: MN Sept Bruiser Nice deer... Congratulations
  4. Re: Playoffs are set...who you like? [ QUOTE ] Braves are out, so who cares. [/ QUOTE ] DITTO... Plus i live and breathe baseball for every month but October through December... it's hunting season...
  5. Re: Week 5 NFL Picks.... NY Giants Green Bay New Orleans Carolina Jacksonville Arizona Oakland Dallas San Diego Baltimore
  6. Re: When do you put on your camoflauge? I put my scent-lok on after i get there
  7. Re: Team 6 I didn't get to go til this evening... Had a doe feed under me for 28 minutes... to hot to shoot one even if i wanted too... be there in the morning though...
  8. Re: To all those that start this weekend............ Good luck to everyone also.... I dont get to go til tomorrow evening cause of a baseball camp... I think i'm going to die when I leave out in the morning and its in the 40's and i'm in a baseball uni instead of camo
  9. Re: Team 6 [ QUOTE ] yea rhine just because it says your youth dont mean we under estimate u at all..i mean i was youth last eyar and i shot a 10 point for my team so dont worry how were thinkin. [/ QUOTE ] No, I'm letting you know we prolly got the most experienced youth....
  10. Re: What age to start hunting? I was 10 when i started... bow hunted before i gun hunted which is wierd..
  11. Re: 150\", 10 point, Iowa youth buck That's a good looking deer
  12. Re: 3 days before the season and I....( pics) yep it's on
  13. Re: Team 6 I see that i'm the youth on the team but i promise i'm not any regular youth... i sit on stand 3 times after school each week and almost whole weekend
  14. Re: Team 6 I hunt in north central Mississippi... bow starts Saturday and season runs through Jan 31... but i mostly bow hunt, however gun hunt a couple times... have two farms with one having 540 acres and the other 180.. have pics of 1 P&Y on each place... one of em is my pic...
  15. Re: Week 4 NFL Picks... Indianapolis San Diego Minnesota New Orleans Dallas Atlanta New England Jacksonville Seattle Green Bay
  16. Re: Bomb At The High School We had 5 or so evacuations toward the end of my high school year in 04... pretty cool to get out... nothing ever turned up... finally caught the guy that was calling it in
  17. rhine16


    Re: Music? Country George Strait and Kenny Chesney
  18. Re: Opening day is tomorrow good luck.... still got a week...
  19. Re: Moultrie digital my uncle has one... works pretty good...
  20. Re: Big Game Tonight Good Luck
  21. Re: I almost ran off the road........................ $2.27 here
  22. rhine16

    Wish me luck

    Re: Wish me luck good luck...
  23. Re: Hunt any animal in the world whitetails... without a doubt