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Everything posted by rhine16

  1. Re: Pitchfork down!!!! Congratulations on a great buck. Awesome dedication also for both of yall to plan on staying all night.
  2. Re: BIG TROUBLES never tried it, but maybe make a mock scrape and freshen it at the same time if you can possibly do that and maybe he'll find it one night and keep checking and notice that it's being freshened during the day. Maybe he'll come through and check it one morning to see who is in his territory. Just a thought. But also, no deer just moves one time a 24 hour period. he cant do that. try mid day hunting. Might work.
  3. Re: Win some, Lose some we did an organized search. He ran back into a pine plantation, which we own a quarter of the hunting rights on (it's landlocked so they have to ok it with all four corners before it can be leased). We searched about a 300X600 yard stretch. the three hundred was between our pasture and a logging road. we split up, and each would go all the way down one and then move down and do it again. My uncle and my dad left about 2 hours in to get ready for church, but i couldnt stop without knowing for sure, so i continued for around an hour and a half, then went to a pond just outside the pines in our pasture to check, then went back to the spot of last blood for the 6th time and spent 20 minutes crawling circles. We feel like hes hurt, but i'm positive that he's gonna live.
  4. Re: Win some, Lose some the angle going into the shoulder was horrible. deer was 8 yards from tree and i was a good 30 ft up in tree. Cant tell you for sure where in shoulder but it was in the back half of the front leg. As i said, the part of arrow snapped of was 4 3/4 inches but the tip of arrow didn't have blood on it so i feel like there is a good inch sticking out.
  5. Re: Team 6 I know... I can't believe i screwed that opportunity up... I mean you shoot all summer and prepare for it and then you mess it up. Sickening feeling
  6. Re: Take a Minute Please. That is awesome and so true
  7. Re: Hunting shows... [ QUOTE ] The only real show.......don't even think I will call it a hunting show that I despise is the "Jackie Bushman Show!" [/ QUOTE ] Oh yeah, I definanitely don't like Bushman
  8. Re: Team 6 An inch or two to the right, and i woulda had us on the board.
  9. Re: Team 6 Yesterday evening I decided to go to a little strip of oak woods that hadn't been hunted this year. On one hand, i thought i was probably wasting my time there but something kept telling me to go there. As i left my uncles house ( woods about 200 yards behind the house), i told him it was time for me to get a buck with a bow and that 7 years and 14 days were long enough. I went back, and found a tall pine to climb among all the oaks. Saw pretty good sign coming in but figured that most of it was made at night. Got settled in at 5:10 and started the long fight with skeeters. At 6 30, i heard some deer jump the fence coming out of the bedding area about 60 yards from me and out of view. I readied my self and waited. 5 minutes later a buck appeared 20 yards in front of me and fed to my left. He had 3 points on the left and nothing on right, so he isn't legal in MS. Then i saw the other buck. I saw he was a good racked deer and didn't look back at the horns again. for sure a 14" 8, didnt really get a head on view. He fed to ten yards and then turned perfectly broadside. i drew but when i did my Scent-Lok facemask (first time i've ever worn it, dont know why i switched yesterday evening) got caught in my mouth. I couldnt get my kisser locked in, but i aimed and fired anyway. shot hit in middle of front shoulder but i was confident anyhow. We gave him an hour, then my dad, uncle, and me went back. My arrow had broke off 20 yards into his run. we had all but 4 3/4 inches of the arrow. we figured it all that was buried inside we should get him. didn't find blood til 80 yards down the trail. followed it easy for 60 yards then it got weak. We backed out and came back this morning. found no blood past where we stopped so we started following different trails through the pine thicket. We never found him after 3 hours of circling. I feel like he'll live. I'm still sick at my stomach. he was gonna be a great MS bow buck. especially a first. I guess my quest for a buck will have to wait a lil longer. Maybe this evening. But i guess it is like my uncle said, "You win some, You lose some"
  10. Yesterday evening I decided to go to a little strip of oak woods that hadn't been hunted this year. On one hand, i thought i was probably wasting my time there but something kept telling me to go there. As i left my uncles house ( woods about 200 yards behind the house), i told him it was time for me to get a buck with a bow and that 7 years and 14 days were long enough. I went back, and found a tall pine to climb among all the oaks. Saw pretty good sign coming in but figured that most of it was made at night. Got settled in at 5:10 and started the long fight with skeeters. At 6 30, i heard some deer jump the fence coming out of the bedding area about 60 yards from me and out of view. I readied my self and waited. 5 minutes later a buck appeared 20 yards in front of me and fed to my left. He had 3 points on the left and nothing on right, so he isn't legal in MS. Then i saw the other buck. I saw he was a good racked deer and didn't look back at the horns again. for sure a 14" 8, didnt really get a head on view. He fed to ten yards and then turned perfectly broadside. i drew but when i did my Scent-Lok facemask (first time i've ever worn it, dont know why i switched yesterday evening) got caught in my mouth. I couldnt get my kisser locked in, but i aimed and fired anyway. shot hit in middle of front shoulder but i was confident anyhow. We gave him an hour, then my dad, uncle, and me went back. My arrow had broke off 20 yards into his run. we had all but 4 3/4 inches of the arrow. we figured it all that was buried inside we should get him. didn't find blood til 80 yards down the trail. followed it easy for 60 yards then it got weak. We backed out and came back this morning. found no blood past where we stopped so we started following different trails through the pine thicket. We never found him after 3 hours of circling. I feel like he'll live. I'm still sick at my stomach. he was gonna be a great MS bow buck. especially a first. I guess my quest for a buck will have to wait a lil longer. Maybe this evening. But i guess it is like my uncle said, "You win some, You lose some"
  11. Re: Your first bow? A Pearson Equalizer
  12. Re: Finally Connected...A Buck Too!! (pics) Congrats
  13. Re: Dads first bow buck (pic) congratulations to your dad
  14. rhine16

    Got a doe!

    Re: Got a doe! congratulation
  15. Re: My 2006 Ohio whitetail buck He's a great buck... Congratulations
  16. Re: About to give up on bowhunting only advice i got is to not quit.
  17. Re: My hunting buddy this season! [ QUOTE ] id share my stand with her! [/ QUOTE ] Ditto
  18. rhine16

    New Member

    Re: New Member Welcome aboard
  19. Re: A COLD COLD WINTER Ha good one
  20. rhine16


    Re: SHE SAID YES! Congratulations!
  21. rhine16

    May He Rest In Peace

    Re: May He Rest In Peace Prayers with them
  22. rhine16

    long beared

    Re: long beared saw 3 jakes in my food plot one evening.
  23. Re: buddies first bow deer congratulations to him
  24. Re: Taking a doe with twin fawns. Part 2. [ QUOTE ] Goodluck, once again though I would pass the doe. Her running your button buck off, isnt as bad as a big buck coming to breed her during the rut, and shes no where to be found but in your freezer. [/ QUOTE ] ditto
  25. Re: Hunting shows... I love everything exept Nugent. Roadtrips and North American Whitetail is favorite though