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Everything posted by hoosierhunter47

  1. Re: smoking --- laws where you live ? Smoke free here in Bloomington, cant have smoking sections in restaraunts, bars, etc. ....have to be 500 ft. from a building and or public doorways also.
  2. Re: carbon express maxima how much for a dozen??and where can i get some im ready to try these, heard great things!!
  3. Re: Ohio pochers caught great story but sad to hear ......to bad alot of that goes unnoticed. This brings up two different points of view...one...its great to catch poachers but it also gives hunters a bad name, i can understand why people say ..."all you people do is go out and kill innocent animals"...i say no these kind of people do, I dont!!!..great story but sad to see it.
  4. Re: A joke for us Colt Fans!! Thats awsome..ironically a man jsut came into work and told me that joke and i was getting ready to post it...GO HORSE!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Re: Remember this guy? (pics) good lookin mount!!!...both look good
  6. hoosierhunter47

    my buck

    Re: my buck great buck...i love the split g1
  7. Re: \'06 Mount (pics) great mount and pics...i like the base with the hoof prints good idea!!
  8. Re: Best bow blind for the money? wow...good tip randy...very very true...that is a must!!
  9. Re: Are you getting a new bow? i purchased a new bear 2 seasons ago and ive had great success with it both seasons and am iching to buy somthing new but i will give it some more time and hopfully some more kills!!!!
  10. Re: Archaeological Find Awsome!!!
  11. Re: Please give my your opinions on my form After reading this post and threads and getting to your last statement i think you have answered your question, we are all different and yes just like you i get surious and wonder if i am doing it "Right" If its comfortable and you are succesfull then stick with it, correcting and tweaking are always going to help but you seem to have it down and just keep shooting and experimenting with things and youll be fine, to each is own!
  12. Re: 06 Michigan Deer great buck...my family has a cabin in the northern part of the lower peninsula and we get alot of deer but only some with great size..thats a good lookin buck with good size, great place to hunt ...those northern hardwoods!!
  13. Re: GO COLTS!!!! I fell like bellichick should atleast give peyton more than a nod, i mean he has beaten peyton for years now and finally peyton does it, he owes him some gratitude, but oh well it didnt stop us from celebrating what alot of people dont get to witness in their lifetime, a favorite team and home town team going to the superbowl, AND yea W.M. i did notice shannon was the only one backing the colts i think its great cuase now there all for us...make up your mind we make believers out of you yet!!!!
  14. Re: Best bow blind for the money? Ameristep Dog house....easy to set up and take down and great for putting on your back and carrying!!..shoot through screens and plenty of room inside
  15. UBB45-ML-1161988-ML-
  16. Re: 3\" of snow and I\'m headin\' out NOW!!! true statment there 007..i was thinkin the same thing...id be sick if i stuck a cow of a doe then get down and find i just shot a nice buck..season ended here the first week on jan.
  17. Re: Cought on Camera Pt.2 im with squirrelhunter...great story and nice to here a follow up..i just would love to see pics of him seeing himself lol...youre right priceless!!!
  18. Re: 05 mount(pics) Sorry guys told you i was comp. illiterate...but i knew R.T. would take care of me...
  19. UBB41-ML-1160193-ML-
  20. Well here it is hes back...my 05 buck i arrowed in early Nov. Ive had him for a while but have been trying to figure out how this picture posting works..let me know what you think....Sugar Creek Tax. did the work, i never officailly scored him but i think he'd be around 120's , i like the character of his hooked brows and G2's.
  21. Re: Only 259 left!! yea..im countin down too but theres alot to keep myself occupied till then..yotes are fun and i also am excited about fishin my new spot this spring!
  22. Re: Culled this one!! (PICS) Yes very interesting...my step - bro shot a buck in early bow this year with the same rack...almost dark and he just saw on side of him so he drew back and connected...needless to say after tracking 100 yds. into our unpicked corn field we found him...and we thought wow what a nice 10 pter. when we walked up on him...then we saw the other side...but tis ok we got him outta the gene pool!!...funny how that stuff works
  23. Re: Your most embarassing moment this bow season? i changed my stand location from the morning to the evening....at about 2 in the afternoon on a nice warm late oct. afternoon i might add...squirrels were busy infront of me and i had good wind and everything...facing the west had the wind in my face and i was sure i would catch them walking to the alfalfa field behind me when i heard a "squirrel" behind me and looked and at 15 yds. was the 10 pt. buck that eluded me last year this time at 2:30 in the afternoon .....by the time i was able to realise it he was in a thicket and i had to watch him walk away....close enough to notice his mouth was open and head to the ground...out searching doe beds......moral of the story...i dont care im going to check all so called squirrel sounds next year...i learned my lesson.
  24. Re: Somthing in the water!! widow maker the second best archer to come from lebanon...lol