First off, welcome to RT!
I've used Tekans since they first came out and probably shot around 15 deer with them. IMO They shoot almost exactly like my practice tips. Last year they came out with the bigger cutting diameter but I think they sacraficed the sharpness with the new material. Call me lazy if you will but I don't want to spend $35 on three heads that I have to sharpen before I use them. I am going to the Tight point fixed blade this year. They shoot awesome for me.
There's no denying that Rage are the best "bad shot" broadheads on the market. They make a heck of a hole but, they shot a little low for me. I didn't want to have to change my sights between practicing and hunting. If you have the cash try a few different ones, my proshop actually let me shoot a few different ones, maybe yours will too. Good Luck!