19 is definatley old enough to know better. I guess I may have taken it a little personal as I too was an ED kid and I think I turned out ok? (debatable,....I'm sure. )
I understand completely what you are saying about depriving the other kids of a quality education and agree that we should not do that. I guess the point I am trying to make is when do we as peers say enough is enough? If everybody that helped me gave up on me I surely wouldn't be writing this right now. I was without a doubt one of the biggest trouble makers in school and caused more problems in my family than most could even imagine. I, and I don't know this kids background, was fortunate enough to have parents, social workers, and eventually after getting "put away" for over a year with "house parents" that never gave up on me. I eventually found the Lord and put my life in his hands. Maybe they liked the challenge or maybe they saw the good side of me, one things for sure, I couldn't have done it without them.