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Everything posted by Randy

  1. Body of water near Syracuse _ _ E_D_LAKE
  2. Randy

    Chili is a cookin

    Uh,..........pics??? Sounds delicious!
  3. I'm a 12 year Sergeant for the Wisconsin Dept. of Corrections. Certified Weapons, Chemical Agent, and Pepperball Instructor. Active member and Squad Leader of our S.O.R.T. team.
  4. Randy

    elk rescue

    Pretty neat story, thanks for sharing!
  5. Getting freezing rain down here right now. Atleast we don't have to shovel that... I'm glad you made it home ok Tracy.
  6. Must be talking about the infamous,.......Tominator Buck? LMBO!
  7. I've been shootin Tekans since they came out. They seen to be a pretty good head. I've killed somewhere in the neighborhood of 15-20 deer with them. However, the new style are not sharp enough "out of the package". You will need to sharpen them. The cutting diameter is better than the old style but, I liked the old ones better. I don't think you will find a expandable that flys as close to the same as your field points than these. Good heads, just not for me anymore. Too lazy to sharpen them when I can switch heads to one that's already done.
  8. I hope you can get it fixed. (even though Luke doesn't :D) Have a safe trip bud.
  9. 19 is definatley old enough to know better. I guess I may have taken it a little personal as I too was an ED kid and I think I turned out ok? (debatable,....I'm sure. ) I understand completely what you are saying about depriving the other kids of a quality education and agree that we should not do that. I guess the point I am trying to make is when do we as peers say enough is enough? If everybody that helped me gave up on me I surely wouldn't be writing this right now. I was without a doubt one of the biggest trouble makers in school and caused more problems in my family than most could even imagine. I, and I don't know this kids background, was fortunate enough to have parents, social workers, and eventually after getting "put away" for over a year with "house parents" that never gave up on me. I eventually found the Lord and put my life in his hands. Maybe they liked the challenge or maybe they saw the good side of me, one things for sure, I couldn't have done it without them.
  10. You didn't happen to hear Tim tell Tiffany I said hi did ya?
  11. Randy

    Weekend plans?

    WHY?!! Why is it every time someone post about weekend plans my response is always,........WORK!! I need a weekends off job.....
  12. Prayers on the way for her and her family.
  13. Randy

    Bar Fly

    :eek: That's hilarious!! :D:D She still looks pretty healthy, I bet that hasn't been on her long.
  14. Glad they got him! However,...Expelled?? Obviously the kids got problems, get him some help and put his butt right back in school so he can still have a chance at life instead of living a life of crime...
  15. I've also heard different foods can cause migraines. May want to keep track of what you eat for that reason as well. Prayers sent buddy.
  16. Happy Birthday Ross. I hope you enjoyed your day.
  17. How much do you want to spend, and what are you fishing for mainly? Also are you fishing a river or a lake most of the time?
  18. Great Pics William! Thanks for sharing them.