Hang in there Matt, hopefully it is nothing. RTF is right you need to sit down and talk with him and find out what is going on. Prayers on the way from Wisconsin bud. Let us know what's going on.
Sorry to hear about all of this bud. I hope you get it all straightened out.
I've always found that if you don't have anything there is nothing to steal, fortunatley I have no worries...:D
I came out ok on the Federal but, I owe the state... I would have thought they owed me after working for them for over 12 years and paying taxes to pay my own wages...
Don't tempt me! LOL Someday I'd like to see Alaska, I just don't know if i can bring myself to get on a plane. I'm a bit chicken of flying. :rolleyes: I just hope the ones that can swing it take lots of pics for me.