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Everything posted by Randy

  1. Happy Birthday Ken. I hope you have a great day!
  2. Randy


    Thanks Tim, I'll bet she misses me. :D:D
  3. I can't believe you got that back already! Seems like just a few weeks ago you shared the story and pics. Nice looking mount bud!
  4. Randy


    Have a safe trip Tim! BTW, tell Tiffany I said hi!
  5. WTG Shaun! I'm proud of ya.
  6. Good news so far! Continued prayers from Wisconsin.
  7. Happy Birthday Ruth! I hope you have a great day!
  8. Hey Jim, thanks for making me feel really stupid today! I got 7 right but that put's me at just a little bit smarter than 1/3 of the people here...
  9. He's going to turn out to be a great looking dog. He's cute as heck right now, that kinda makes me want another one.
  10. Hang in there Matt, hopefully it is nothing. RTF is right you need to sit down and talk with him and find out what is going on. Prayers on the way from Wisconsin bud. Let us know what's going on.
  11. Randy

    Rough Day

    I can't imagine being in your shoes. Keep your chin up bud. Just remember she is in a better place. I'll keep you in my prayers.
  12. Randy

    Jim (JJL)

    Say Jim,....... You're weird...
  13. Hey,....I have one of them!
  14. Randy

    Lab Results

    I take it they didn't check between your ears??? :D:D:D Seriously Orlan, I'm glad everything went well.
  15. Randy


    Been there,......Done that...... TWICE this year already. :rolleyes: I'm glad you are feeling better Joe.
  16. Soak them in salt water over night, the parasites will come closer to the outside and then pop them like a zit. Enjoy!
  17. Randy

    I survived

    Prayers sent Ross.
  18. It depends on if I'm fishing Blue gills, walleyes, or Muskies. I use all St. Croix rods.
  19. It was a fun game to watch. I'm glad you enjoyed it. As far as the Crow hunting goes, make sure to use lots of garlic on them...
  20. Randy

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday whttlbucksteve!
  21. Randy

    stinking thieves

    Sorry to hear about all of this bud. I hope you get it all straightened out. I've always found that if you don't have anything there is nothing to steal, fortunatley I have no worries...:D
  22. Randy

    Man taxes suck!

    I came out ok on the Federal but, I owe the state... I would have thought they owed me after working for them for over 12 years and paying taxes to pay my own wages...
  23. Don't tempt me! LOL Someday I'd like to see Alaska, I just don't know if i can bring myself to get on a plane. I'm a bit chicken of flying. :rolleyes: I just hope the ones that can swing it take lots of pics for me.
  24. Thats a nice slimer Dakota!