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Everything posted by Randy

  1. Bar none,....That's the coolest Hardhat I've ever seen.
  2. Neat stuff! I'll make sure to try and see it tonight, Hopefully the clouds stay away.
  3. Olran is right, wait for a while but then seriously look into silver I have a buddy who has made some serious cash from buying silver.
  4. Now why, out of ALL people, would you compare yourself to Tominator? I don't get it... Congrats Ruth, keep them coming!
  5. LMBO! I was just teasing ya!! Maybe the double burger is what's making me fat??
  6. Thank you Darla. Continued prayers for Kathleen and her Family.
  7. Randy

    Good News!

    Awesome news bud! More prayers sent...
  8. Sounds like a good idea Steve, I'll help out.
  9. Randy

    Boiled Peanuts

    I've always wanted to try the green stuff inside of Lobster...
  10. Pretty neat Lewis. The TV stand looks great as well.
  11. I think I finally figured out why Ohiobucks puts up with you. You're a DB!:D:D:D
  12. Let me get this straight. You are blaming 229# on cereal dust? Maybe my 210#'s comes from the salt and peppper I put on my bacon double cheeseburgers? I'll have to start using a little less salt and pepper.
  13. Randy

    Redneck Santa Pic

    It kind of looks like Steve B., you think?
  14. From Wisconsin to Arkansas, birthday wishes on the way...
  15. Randy


    Yep, I hope all is well Kathleen.
  16. Randy

    Boiled Peanuts

    My to do list before I kick the bucket: #999,999. Eat boiled peanuts and suck the salt water out of the shell while they are still warm.
  17. Some neat pics right there, thanks for sharing
  18. Randy

    Happy Birthday jcwa

    Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great day!
  19. I hate politics, and I really need to stay out of here but, for some reason I'm having Jimmy Carter flashbacks...
  20. Randy

    my wife

    Nevermind all these guys Steve, they're all a bunch of Sallys. I would've told her the same thing, she asked right?! Not sure why women get so upset over men telling them what they asked for... BTW, you're my hero!
  21. G5 SE bow sight. G5 Expert II arrow rest. 6" Fuse Stabilizer. PM me a reasonable offer on any or all accessories. Everything is "like new" condition. Used one year.