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Everything posted by Randy

  1. This what I have to say about that..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYdCU5c-rT4&feature=related
  2. Please tell me you didn't tickle Elmo...:rolleyes: Great pics and a nice ride as well!
  3. Well my wife went out to party with the kids and a few of their friends so it was just me and my buddy Mike. He has to be to work at 4AM and I have to get up about then for work so, we decided to have a little party for ourselves. Anybody other than Lewis ever seen Lobster tails over a pound each? This is what they look like on the grill! There must be a little butter running off of this guy... We decided we may as well splurge and have a T-bone and a New York Strip as well... Here's the table set for two in his workshop. And just in case you can't see the finished product, here's a better looksy! :D I want to wish every one of you a Happy New year and wish you all nothing but the best for 2009. May this year be your best year ever...
  4. Randy


    I plan on being in bed by 9...
  5. LMAOROF Happy birthday to her and good luck to you!! BTW, send an explanation to my wife as long as you're sending one to Kathleen, She (literally) doesn't get it either!!
  6. to a new member and huge bowhunting enthusiast, Anthony! I work with Anthony and can honestly say, he'll be a great asset to the RT forums. Welcome to our campfire bud, I'm glad you're here.
  7. Randy

    19 yrs. ago today

    Congrats to you both, 19 years is quite the achievement these days.
  8. Nicely played Luke! Congrats to the both of you from Wisconsin!
  9. I think I have them. Let me check after work and they are all his.
  10. Lots of wind and snow here today too. Wind chills around -13.
  11. Nice find Swampy! I'm so jealous! :D
  12. Good Luck Craig! Whack that sucker!
  13. Randy

    trivia game

    Whoa,...........that sucked. :rolleyes:
  14. Come on! Don't let a measley "white out" down here stop ya! Oh, and BTW, it works just fine... LMBO!! Just like Super 8, we'll leave the light on for ya!
  15. Randy

    Have To Admit

    140 or bust eh? Have fun tomorrow! I hope you checkup turns out ok as well. Prayer sent bud.
  16. 7325,.....I wish I'd a seen this at work!
  17. Sounds like you're already married! LOL
  18. Give me some time girl! I have a big mess to clean up that is NOT in the picture....
  19. Randy

    hello everyone

    That was me and doubleA, too bad it didn't work out but I have a feeling there's a musky fishing trip in his future...
  20. I'm thinking a full body mount of a huge buck rubbing his antlers on the Christmas tree!
  21. Randy

    hello everyone

    Whatever Trev says about me is NOT true!! Welcome to the RT campfire Kala.
  22. Don't count on it Orlan! Sept. something, we ought to do a goose hunt this year... Not that it's a bad problem to have but,....I'm running out of room in the living room. :cool:
  23. Congrats Diana! The first ones the hardest one to find. Now you know what to look for.
  24. Randy

    200 pound boar

    This is the first I've seen this post. That is a giant pig Andrea, way to go!