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Everything posted by Randy

  1. I'm lost for words Jeff. God will help you get though this and he will never give you anymore than you can handle. I'm sure better days are in your future. Prayers sent for you and Jake. We're here for you bud...
  2. Sorry to hear about your dog, keep your chin up.
  3. There's an awful lot of truth in those words....
  4. Very nice tribute, it looks like your dad had a great life.
  5. Randy


    -9 here this Morning....
  6. -9 here this AM with winds 30 or so MPH. Nasty cold with lots of blowing snow. All because Craig bought a new toy...:D
  7. Teal, Remington, Sprig, Timber, Drake,....Just a few of my ideas.
  8. Sorry to hear of the fire, what a way to spend Christmas.
  9. Thanks for the update, we'll keep praying for her.
  10. Randy

    gator tag

    Congrats on the tag! I think that would be a great time!
  11. I can take it in the bathroom and come up with some real "crappy" posts!
  12. It takes all kinds bud, it takes all kinds....
  13. Happy Birthday Martin, I hope you have a great day.
  14. Randy

    Caylee Anthony

    Sad news indeed.
  15. Can I get your address Orlan? :D
  16. My computer died as soon as I logged in here this morning. The power source fried somehow. Anyways, do you all know how hard it is to sit at home all day wondering what's up with you guys? Man I missed you all! :D So, i decided It was time for a new laptop so I can sit in my lazyboy chair, watch the Outdoor Channel and talk to all you guys at the same time! Man this thing's cool! :cool: Did you miss me?
  17. One down,...How many to go?? Congrats Dakota!
  18. Anyone up for a little more "Chicken Fried"?
  19. Randy

    Letter to Santa

    LOL I'll bet Tominator wrote that and sent it to your paper!
  20. Randy


    Isn't there something that you put on the bottom of your feet that gets rid of toxins? Seems like I saw something on TV about it. Maybe Kathleen will know what I'm talking about?
  21. they have been saying around 8-12 inches in the central part of the state. Hopefully Craig get's more!
  22. I think I'll "get plowed" while it's snowing...
  23. Here it is, it's the 41" in MO. Click on Archery cases and it's the top one. http://www.lakewoodproducts.com/mm5/merchant.mvc?