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Everything posted by Randy

  1. I'm not sure you understand what we are trying to tell you. You really need to shoot them before you buy one. There are things each bow has, or doesn't have that you will like and or dislike. Take our advice and go shoot them somewhere, we will not tell you which one to get because we want what is the best one for you. Only you know what that one is after shooting it. Get what feels the best to you. Bowhunting isn't about brandnames. It's about feeling comfortable.
  2. The cheesecake sounds delightful! The rice sounds pretty good but, you can keep the duck!
  3. So sorry to hear this William. I can't imagine what you and your wife are going through as well as your precious little daughter Nicole. Prayers on the way for all of you.
  4. I'm not a "Pro Staffer" bud but, I'd find a place that'll let you shoot a few different bows. This is an "expensive" investment that you need to be happy with for a few years. Make sure the bow that you buy is one that will fit your needs for that... Just My $.02
  5. I think that buck is every bit of 20".
  6. The first one or two, I tried to figure out where I would hang them and decide which direction i wanted them to face. From there, it's a crapshoot. I'm personally out of room and just tell the Taxi, "I want something different than what I already have." Here's this years archery buck and I can't even remember what I told the taxidermist to do with it...
  7. That's a great buck Al! Congrats! Now, as far as telling us the score and not letting us guess, shame on you!
  8. Bite your tongue pal! :D:D:D -19 degree windchill, is that to cold to start the grill and make brats for supper?
  9. Forget the roads,....that's a rough day on me!
  10. I'm guessing this post is the reason I couldn't sleep and am on here at 1:10 AM. Todd you just made my day, I can see the excitement in your daughters eyes. The pic with her standing with her arms out to the side, is priceless. You got a great thing going Todd, keep up the good work. Congrats to Hannah on her first of many doe to come...
  11. The temps are falling and the wind is blowing...
  12. Looks great Casey! You should have opened up a pack of that venny bacon and fried some of that up as well.
  13. We already have what WI calls "earn-a-buck". Which means you have to shoot a doe before your Buck tag is valid. At this point WI allows one buck with the bow, and one buck with the gun or ML. From a Trophy management perspective I think it's a great idea. WDNR seems to think it will get more antlerless deer killed. I don't understand that logic. I would rather shoot a buck with the bow and skip Gun Season all together. So, if I'm not in the gun stand the doe get a free ride because I'm not even there. i just don't get their thinking.
  14. Sounds to me like you better check it again on a target.
  15. I can't believe anyone other than the RT forums would put up with you for more than a week! :D:D Congrats on the first 17 and here's to many, many more together...
  16. Happy Birthday Grant, I hope you had a great day!
  17. Randy

    memory lane

    Dude,......that was made B.C.!!
  18. I heard a rumor today that WI DNR is looking at going to one buck per hunter regardless of the weapon you take it with. This person told me that other states already have this rule and that is why WI is giving this serious thought. They seem to think that there will be more doe killed as apparently they think hunters "just have to kill" something. How many bucks can you harvest and by what means? I don't know what the WDNR is thinking but if this is true, I'll never buy another gun license again...
  19. Love that dragon Mike, it's just too many hours under the needle for me.