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Everything posted by Randy

  1. We'll see about that Thursday night, I think I need to get one more...
  2. Sounds like you can head on down tonight and plow til your heart's content. 10-14" here tonight and tomorrow! Shame on you for asking for more of this stuff!!! :D
  3. You guys better start a thread to keep us all updated! Have a great time and good luck!
  4. I got this in an e-mail today. I thought of you guys as soon as I saw it. Enjoy!
  5. It's great to hear from you buddy! I'm glad to hear all is well. Don't be a stranger!
  6. Randy

    New guy intro

    Welcome to the Campfire! Stick around, there's lots to learn around here...
  7. If you want to see numbers of deer, look to south central WI. If you want true adventure look to the Northwoods of either state.
  8. Nice fish! The bottom one must have come from the Bay.
  9. Randy

    Prayers Plz!

    Prayers on the way Kyle.
  10. Randy

    11yr old Pirate

    I sure wish I had taken lessons when I was younger. That's pretty good!
  11. I hope you have a great day!
  12. Looks like a pinny and a couple greys...
  13. I think that most of us from WI will agree that the deer numbers are down. I would also imagine that most of us agree that the WDNR has made mistakes in their managemant plans. The bottom line is, this is our State and we deal with what we are dealt. Some years are worse than others and some are far better. I understand you were not talking about us as hunters but to say that our hunting sucks is a bit "out of order". I accept your apology as you are new here and still learning the ropes. One thing that I've learned from the forum is people can't hear you talking and using expression when you type. You need to be careful in the words you chose to use. No hard feelings,....
  14. This one came right in to my "Golden Estrus"!
  15. Did I say "Ohio", I meant Oklahoma. Thanks for clearing that up Chris! :D
  16. It's been a great two years and I look forward to a few more. I just wanted to let William know that I'm at 5000 with this post and he better get going cause I'm gaining ground! Sorry that 4,999 of them were useless!! 45,000 to go!
  17. Sheesh, all I needed was a follow to get me hooked. Your doomed!
  18. Thanks Chris! If I'd have seen the horns, I would have been able to tell you only OHIO can grown them THAT big...
  19. Happy Birthday buddy! I hope you had a great day!
  20. I'd love too but, that's a bit far to go for a couple days... Also, I'm not sure I could keep up!