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Everything posted by Randy

  1. Randy

    Think You Are Poor??

    Can I get three eggs over easy, and yes, I'm paying with cash...
  2. Ive probably seen it a 1000 times since it's happened...
  3. I always liked when people put the lights to music like that. Thanks for sharing cinch! Now, as far as the Merry Christmas part, can I have a bit more time before it gets here?
  4. I'll borrow you my Harley for a couple weeks, way too cold here too ride it anyways... I hope things turn around for ya bud. Prayers sent.
  5. Actually Steve, I think she DID know why I was laughing...
  6. Pretty sad way to have to end the lives of two great bucks.
  7. That deer was killed in a high fenced operation a year or two ago. I'll see if i can dig up some info on it. Here, check out this link, you'll have to scroll down a bit and it is there. http://www.boone-crockett.org/news/trophyWatch.asp?area=news
  8. That's awesome cinch! LMBO!
  9. He ain't pertty but, he sure is cool! Congrats!
  10. That's a dandy Wisconsin buck! Congrats!
  11. Not quite but, his AARP card came in the mail!!
  12. I Just went to McDonalds for a quick "snack" before I have to go back to work, I ordered a 20 piece of "Chicken tails", large fry and a caramel cappuccino! The lady asked me if I wanted Low fat milk in my cappuccino and I started laughing hysterically! She didn't know what to say and started laughing as well! I said, "I don't think that's necessary!" :D Ahhh, life is good.....
  13. Oh Jeff, i am so sorry to hear this. I guess I don't know what to say? May God be with you both.
  14. It's coming way to fast for me, I have too many things I need to get done yet! :rolleyes:
  15. I'm glad to hear dad is feeling better, save a big buck for him Matt!
  16. Holy Crap! (oops, can I say that? ) Look at the browtines!! That is way too cool! Congrats on a very unique trophy!
  17. I love the character on that bad boy! Congrats!
  18. What an awsome story with an even better ending. Congrats to you both!
  19. Split G-2's and an awesome browtine! WTG Dad!! Nice Buck! Congrats!
  20. Hope you have a great day Chris!
  21. Congrats! I look forward to seeing the pics! Gun season Starts this Saturday and after doubleA shoots a pig, I'll see if I can upgrade my 11 pointer!
  22. Sorry I missed your birthday, I hope it was a great one!
  23. Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes. I talked with my dad last night and he said that his neck is very sore but everything else seems to be alright. He's been retired for 7 years now but he is planning on going back to work on Wednesday.
  24. LMBO! Got to love the Captain!