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Everything posted by Randy

  1. Does this mean I'm in trouble???
  2. You better look at the extended forecast for here, I think you're in for a 50 degree temperature change! We don't want a brother or cousin, we want Daddy!!
  3. Awesome! I can't wait to see the show! Tim, you're up next!!
  4. Randy

    Luv that song

    That's a good tune for sure!
  5. We didn't weigh him but I'd guess around 180# dressed.
  6. That must be the "102nd" use for Duct tape! LOL
  7. Congrats on a great buck!
  8. Wow Kathleen! Those are some great pics! Someday I WILL see the mountains in person...
  9. A little rain never stopped me...
  10. I haven't tried the syrup yet!!
  11. Thanks Luke, I can't wait to try it! Don't tell Chrud though, we need to keep this a secret!!
  12. Gosh Shane, now you went and made me blush! Thanks bud.
  13. I got home from work today and walked up to my porch and here's a package waiting for me at the door. I immediately noticed the name as our own, VermontHunter! I ran in the house, grabbed a sharp knife and opened the package and found a bottle of Vermont Gold with a note saying, " Randy, this is a little something from BowtechTurkeyhunter". I'm not really sure why Steve had sent this but, I cannot thank either one of you enough. I will be sure to put it to good use and maybe break it open when DoubleA gets here the end of next week for his deerhunt. Again, thank you guys!! P.S. I hope this doesn't get me in trouble with Chrud! :D
  14. Yesterday afternoon my best buddy went out to our land and went bowhunting. He climbed in his stand at 1:30 pm for the evening hunt. Not sure if anyone remembers but last winter I cut a shooting lane through one of our thickest bedding areas knowing that the bucks would be cruising it come the rut. He chose to sit in that stand even though we had just went through it trailing a doe I had shot Sunday evening. The stand is in the furthest big pine to the left in this pic. Anyways, as soon as he climbed in the stand (which no one had sat in until this point) He could hear some movement in the bedding area. We see turkeys in there almost every night we sit in this area. (different stand a 100 yards down from here) After a while of listening to the noise in the brush he knew it was a deer. At 3:00pm out walks the buck and in a matter of seconds he was at full draw waiting for the right shot to be offered... 10 more steps and he's mine thought Mike. The great buck moved just as Mike thought he would and Mike carefully settled his pin on the buck and THWACK!!! The buck went straight down. Mike knew he had spinned the big buck and carefully sent the finishing shot to the vitals. Mike had shot one a few years back that he had mounted and someone had stolen his mount. Mike deseved this buck, and is his biggest buck to date and it couldn't have happened to a better guy. Congrats bud, I'm truly happy for you... Here's Mike big 11 point buck he killed on 11-11-08.
  15. I'm gussing you hit him in the liver, was the blood dark? I shot a doe last year that I hit back just a little and she acted the same way. Sorry you didn't find him but, that is part of the game...
  16. We had a young doe a few years back that had a mane, I couldn't bring myself to shoot her that year and although I saw her plenty of times that year, I never saw her again the following year. Her mane looked just like your deer, just a bit thinner. Congrats on a great buck, it's one to be proud of for sure!
  17. Come on Luke,......We're talking about Jim, has he ever needed encouragement??
  18. Randy

    Veterans Day

    A huge thank you to all of you.
  19. Get as close to the bedding areas as you can with out spooking the deer in it. Stay downwind and spend as much time in the stand as possible. The rut is in full swing and things will slow down shortly so, get out there! Good Luck!
  20. That's a great buck! Congrats!
  21. WTG Gramps!! Awesome buck! That Grandson of yours showed you how to did it huh?!
  22. That was a cute clip! Thanks for sharing cinch!
  23. Randy

    My room stinks.....

    So does this thread.... Nice to have ya back!
  24. Continued prayers sent for you, your wife, and your precious little girl.