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Everything posted by Randy

  1. Randy

    new member -kinda

    Welcome to the RT forums bud!
  2. Update! The attack happened in a furniture making shop at our institution. We are a medium security Institution with a lot of "maximum security" inmates. Anyways, one of the officers was hit 4 times with the hammer and was treated for injuries and released. The Other Officer was hit once in the front of the head and has a small fracture in his scull. He went in to surgery yesterday and the put a titanium plate in his head. Apparently he is also doing well and is expected to be released tonight or tomorrow morning. The county is treating it as a crime scene and is doing a full investigation. The inmate stated he was going to kill the officer that he hit in the head but was stopped by civilian staff and another inmate before he could. Thanks for the prayers everybody, I'm sure they helped.
  3. I just got word that two of my co-workers got attacked yesterday by an inmate with a claw hammer. They are both hospitalized and I don't know how bad they are yet. I 'll find out more today. Thank you in advance, Randy
  4. The doe numbers seem to be down by us as well. They are under "lockdown" as IMHO they are in full rut and the bucks don't need to chase as there are probably lots of doe in estrus right now. I was talking about the rut activity just yesterday and I believe the warm fall up to this point has not helped with deer movement either.
  5. That's awesome Okla!! Crutches and all! :cool::cool:
  6. Dang Jim,...I was hoping to get to know you a bit better. So much for that idea...:D:D P.S. It's been fun!!
  7. Atta boy!! Congrats! I whacked a doe last night, backstraps for supper tonight!
  8. Randy

    Hog Roast

    1. Start a fire. 2. get a really strong stick and insert it well, uh, just put it in one end and out the other... 3. Get yourself and one other really strong person to carry the pig over the fire and keep turning that sucker until the meat starts to fall off. :D 4. Invite me over to pig out!! (no pun intended ) Hope this helps, if it doesn't pm "snipe" I guarantee, he'll be able to help. Good Luck!!
  9. Happy Birthday to her, I think it's great you got to spend the morning with her! :D
  10. Jim, that was an awesome post! That is what it's all about...
  11. Oh, sorry I hijacked your thread! :D
  12. I'm actually a weapons and chemical agent instructor for the Department of Corrections.
  13. I think I know that tree , how far from Texarkana??
  14. Too many to type this early in the morning but, if your one of them, Happy birthday from Wisconsin!!
  15. Where's Kingston? Count me in if we're having backstraps!! Congrats on a great year!
  16. I was watching a hen turkey last night from my deerstand and she had brown wart-like bumps all over her head. Someone told me it was a disease that turkeys get and will probably eventually kill the bird. Anyone know anything about this?
  17. Got to agree, Grant hit the nail on the head! Actually, I've never seen one until the Illinois RT gettogether back in Sept. Them things are huge! (and gross looking )
  18. We can't forget the beauty pageant!! :D
  19. Who has to climb up there and bolt that thing on?? :D
  20. Randy

    Dark times...

    Great tune, thanks for sharing it.