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Everything posted by Randy

  1. WTG Ruth!! When are you cooking up them backstraps? Let me know, I'll be there in a day!!
  2. I tell you what, If I had the cash I'd buy the syrup and tell everybody on this forum who REALLY make the best syrup! Until then, I guess I'll just have to go with the Sconsin variety....:D
  3. Sounds like they are having a good time, thanks for the update!
  4. Did it look like this one?? I give you a lot of credit, I have a hard time passing on nice 3 1/2 year olds yet, and I know I should...:rolleyes:
  5. Thanks Craig, I got that in an e-mail at work this morning and just had to have it posted!
  6. Randy

    Weekend plans????

    Work in the mornings, hunt in the afternoons....
  7. Good Luck this weekend!
  8. Randy

    I got gas....

    $2.99 here Craig, I may be able to heat the house this winter afterall....
  9. Sounds great Steve! Thanks again for doing this Scott, It IS appreciated....
  10. Good Luck! I can't wait to hear stories and see pics when you return!
  11. This Beilgard guy seems like a great man, is he from around here??
  12. Why don't we just make it for Sept next year and come to my house for the weekend and kill a few geese, have a couple big fires, eat like kings, have a few cocktails, and tell lots of stories?
  13. That's just,.....cool. Congrats to the both of you.
  14. That things a stud!! A huge congrats for a huge buck!
  15. That's a heck of a buck! Congrats!
  16. I'd help ya Orlan,........except it's hunting season! :D
  17. Randy

    Prayers Please

    Prayers for your wife sent Gary.
  18. Good luck buddy! Stick a big one!