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Everything posted by Randy

  1. I do the same thing but if your listening to AC DC, you won't ever like my tunes!!
  2. I'll talk to my dad, he just got new ones and I think he really likes these versus his last ones. I think they hurt the checkbook a bit though....
  3. Atta girl!! That's an awesome first buck!
  4. Looks like a really nice buck! Congrats!
  5. Check these out, I bought one for my 7 year old. It's a pretty nice bow that will grow with him. wtnhunt also bought one for his children. I believe he is also very happy with it. There is so much adjustment with this bow he won't need another one until he is 14ish! http://www.dartonarchery.com/rangerIII.htm
  6. Randy

    how high

    Thermals fall in the evening and rise in the morning. Which means, If you are hunting the mornings and you are 20 feet up with little or no wind, the deer are less likely to smell you as your scent is going up. On the other hand, in the evening if you have little or no wind try to imagine this 50 yard invisible cloud of scent in a circle around the base of your stand. It's kind of like sitting in lowland and you know how the light fog sets in around you? Kind of the same thing. Hope this helps. That said, I hunt a minimum of 18' and the majority of my stands are 20-22'.
  7. WTG Tom! I wish you had some video of your daughters reaction!
  8. I can't believe it took you this long to figure that out!! The winner is Toddyboman!! My buck scored a conservative 147 5/8"! His net score was 134 3/8". His Main beams were 24 4/8 and 25"!! Greatest inside spread was 19 5/8". I got to hold the rack and still only guessed 140.
  9. Randy

    My First Buck

    WTG Harv! That's awesome! There ain't nothing like it eh?
  10. WTG Luke!! I quit once.....
  11. Got to agree with the majority, he's 140-145".
  12. And the winner is, I'm not ready to tell ya yet!!
  13. Whoa,.......not good!! :D:D Good Luck with that!
  14. I just added two more Auction Items.
  15. I might add that if you've never used a decoy for hunting whitetails, you have no idea what you are missing....
  16. My Proshop (Triple D Outfitters, as in my sig.) donated this Bobb'n Head deer decoy for this auction. This Decoy goes for about $200. Let's get some cash for it!
  17. I have a Glock soft sided, padded, pistol range bag and three Wildlife Research hats for auction donated by Holliday Food and Sport gas station from my hometown.
  18. Huh, I thought everybody was crying over not getting a hat! Here's your chance!
  19. I can't wait til you get home so we can get a little piece and quiet around here!! Seriously, I know what you mean.
  20. Looks like I'm going to have to take you out of my will........ Sorry man, the hunting land would have all been yours... :rolleyes: