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Everything posted by Randy

  1. That is Awesome! I have only seen one in my life and I had the 7mm and thought there wouldn't be enough left to mount if I shot it. However if you just so happen to stumble on one of them and want to give it a new home, let me know I would love to have one mounted.
  2. Cool Pics, Great Gun, and Kudos to you for your generosity.
  3. Randy


    Who's Tim Andrus?? :D
  4. Good thing we have atleast one smart person around here huh?
  5. I can't get enough of this song, I've been singing it all day!!! :D
  6. Sorry it took so long to get these up! I had a great time at the Get together and look forward to next time. This First pic is Matt (HOYTnMUZZYboy on the left) and his buddy Matt making chili on the grill. It was awesome to bad it wasn't just a bit cooler out. This pic is Al aka Dartonman shooting at a deer target at 100 yards!! Someone came up with an idea that if they lost and/or broke arrows they could get some new ones before season!! 100 yards proved to be a bit tough so here's Matt shooting from the 75-80 yard mark. Matt is goint to have to help me out with this one, I'm terrible with names but here's another from the 75 yard mark. Check this out, if you look closely you can see (the other Matt's) arrow on the way to hit the deer at 75 yards!! Here's Al giving it one more try at 75 yards before he goes to look for his broken arrow... :o;) You guys can argue about who's arrow is who's, I can't remember!! Here's the crew, From the left, Me, Matt, Matt, Matt's dad, Al, and,......I can't remember! Same pic with Al substitued by his son, Hunter. I had a great time guys! See you all again and good luck this season! Al thanks for hooking me up with Gary (need2hunt) on the phone, It was great talking to him again. Sorry I couldn't stay long enough to meet you again Gary.
  7. Randy

    New to The Forums

    Welcome aboard bud!! Glad you could join us!!
  8. Looks to me like you're heading in the wrong direction!!!
  9. http://www.cmt.com/videos/zac-brown-band/255924/chicken-fried.jhtml
  10. That's a very good guess William. It scored 152 Net, and 156 5/8 Gross.
  11. More of a fishing website.... http://www.baystorecamp.com/index.html
  12. Randy

    angry farmer

    I think we have some of that going on around here too. I think if they were on your property, they must be your property...
  13. Great pics Craig! Thanks for sharing them!
  14. Tell him Thank you for me as well. Thanks for sharing the pics.
  15. Randy

    Multi quote

    Nope! Click on a couple of them and then hit post reply.
  16. Randy

    Check it out

    LOL Looks good Andrea!! Happy Birthday to your son.
  17. I always had a hunch but, this pretty much seals the deal..... YOU'RE FREAKING CRAZY!!!! :D:D:D
  18. I Just so happen to have the perfect stand for you!! I'll post pics in a day or two and see what ya think!!