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Everything posted by Randy

  1. My camera batteries are charging, I'll get a pic up in a bit.
  2. Congrats on a nice buck and Kudos to Dad and Tink!
  3. You guys are killing me. Fine, I'll throw in a $129 hard case if this sells by tomorrow before noon. Otherwise I'll sell it in the paper and keep the case.
  4. Merry Christmas to you as well.
  5. Randy

    Christmas Vacation

    Have a great vacation and Merry Christmas to you.
  6. I was always told if you can save 1%,....go for it!!
  7. Randy

    Vegas got snow

    i'd box up some of the snow we're going to get and send him some more if he would like...
  8. Randy

    Holy Snow

    Pretty nice day here today. Tomorrow night were going to make up for it they say. 8-12 more wet inches of this white crap!!
  9. Good Tune! Thanks for sharing!
  10. Happy Birthday bud, I hope your day was great!
  11. Thanks William, you beat me to it!
  12. Dave, it is $425 TYD for bare bow or $700 TYD for everything shown. I can't or will not budge on that price as it is already an awesome deal for the right person...
  13. Randy

    Full body

    That's awesome! And a lot cheaper to feed than a labrador that will do the same thing!
  14. Somehow I figured that deer would still be kickin when you got out the knife?
  15. I have no problem with the one tag part. The thing I don't understand is how do they think this will reduce the deer population? WI is like 5 billion dollars in the hole. Somewhere in all of this there has to be money made and I can't figure out where they're trying to get it??? :rolleyes:
  16. -8 degrees here this morning. My boogers frooze in my mustache.
  17. I can't believe noone is jumping on this. The bow alone, sold for $649.99 brand new. Ross is made by G5. This is a great bow and a great deal!
  18. Look,... you asked a question and we are really trying to help you. You seem to have your heart set on a Katera so go ahead and buy it if that's what you want. Nobody here is going to stop you from doing that. The bottom line is, you asked for advice when you already had your mind made up... Good luck with your new Katera.
  19. Now you're talking my language!!! You just need a few cheeries or blueberries on that bad boy!
  20. Sorry bud, I may have stepped out of line trying to help out the "real" prostaffers in their forum. Hang on a minute,.......Hey Mr. Waddell, which bow would you get. This guy wants to know... He'll be right with you....
  21. That cheesecake done yet?? I want pics of that!!:D