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Everything posted by Matchthedeerslayer

  1. i have a parker persuer XP and i love the thing. Id deffenatly get the buck hunter!!
  2. a scum frog!!!! works great for bass and pike!!
  3. ive used the liqud mix and gotten several results that were very gooooood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Go Pack Go!! i want Farve to try to get to the super bowl one more time!!!!!!!!!
  5. i might try it out in wisconsin where i live because i have to take out some hens!!! And we've had tons of luck in the fall!!!!!!
  6. thats just it i hunt on my land which hasent been hunted on for a while because we just built there 2 years ago. The flock that i do hunt has about 3 big boss toms and like 20-25 hens. The best thing that i've tried and worked to get in range was stalking them but i didnt have a good shot.
  7. Well i do know when and where they will be during the mornings and evenings they just won't come in.
  8. I've been hunting turkeys now for 3 years and every year i come up empty handed. I do everything right too i have a good decoy setup, good calling, diecent gun, good blind sedtup and the perfect season. I can get the gobblers to gobble at me but they just won't come in. Got any advice????????????????????
  9. nice pike Jimmy and Nate wish i was there with u guys!!! Stupid work!!
  10. well i play football too and we dont start till august but i have 2 do alot of weightlifting. that and i have to work and fish with my buddies when they aint got baceball.
  11. Does anyone have any tips for late season birds in notheastern wisconsin. I have hunted them here for 2 years and i can call em' in but they seem like there are always henned up.
  12. tell the guy to get out and get his own stand if he wants to hunt there. I have had the same problem with many people where i hunt so im used to it.
  13. I could have a big doe and a little buck but they decided not to walk twards me when they got within 30yds away.
  14. Way to go Nate on the first buck. At least it was bigger than that half rack we saw last nite at the game farm. Your buck would have ben a B&C compared to the half rack.LOL!!!!!!!
  15. Nate by me they like to go on this guys land that dosent get hunted and then they walk their way into the swamp on the other side.
  16. the thing is that i do wait it out and they never come back. I've tried everything though now thats its the rut. I've used doe estrus, grunt tube, rattelin, and even buck urine but the result is the same nothing.
  17. i was walking to my stand a couple a days ago and there were these turkeys on the trail that i normally take to my stand. then they got spooked ad ran right tward my stand and when i got to it there was a doe standing 30 yards from my stand looking right at me. Then i tried to stalk her but she got spooked. this has happened to me before during gun season but they came back and i shot them. what should i do if that happens again?????
  18. no way man put them in a game with the colts and Manning will dominate!!
  19. go rockies being a brewer fan im goin for the NL. woooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. congrats to you both i still remeber my first deer my grandpa was looking at one and i shot a different one and he said nice shot cuz i nailed her in the juggular.
  21. What kind of camera is a good camera that wil at least get a picture of something because right now i have a Moltrie something like that and it takes pictures but there isn't anything on them. so now im thinking on getting a cuddieback any suggestions on which one i should get or stay with?????????
  22. no but next time one steps under my stand or makes a noise its go be supper 4 me!!! lol
  23. nothin yet seen a couple of does in my driveway and we have a giant 8 runnin around with some spikes but thats all i know about.
  24. i use a 870 (pump) with a rifel barel so its shorter and i use iron sights less weight and federal slugs. works perfect were i am.