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Everything posted by backwoods07

  1. The difference in brand name seeds and seeds from your local co-op is negligible. Save yourself some money.
  2. I shoot a scoped 500. The thing is dead on and hasn't let me down yet. That thumbhole stock is a huge plus too, esp if you're walking long distances with the gun. It makes it a lot easier to carry.
  3. I have a hard enough time getting dirt plots to grow. You don't want my advice!
  4. Good lookin knife! I'm with everyone in that a gut hook is worth it! My favorite Buck knife has a gut hook that makes field dressing easy.
  5. Couple buddies went last year and had an amazing time. I bet it's a lot different than Chicagoland! I think I'm going to make the trip the second time around.
  6. Dot the fletches? Do explain...
  7. Well, everything's coming together. Got my dozen Easton ST Epic shafts ordered ($75), my Onestringer custom arrow wraps (, $17), and my vanes bought (white and black). The next step is getting them together! Pics to come hopefully in the next 10 days or so.
  8. Alright guys, I'm 100% sold. What can I expect on my first couple arrows? Is it fool proof or is there a learning curve? When I get a second off work, I'm gonna head on over to Bass Pro and pick up some supplies..
  9. Looks like I have to look into a fletching rig...I guess I have all day Sunday to look into this. Now that you guys convinced me, don't be upset when I'm sending you all PM's with questions!!
  10. You forgot to list patience and time!! I really would love to get in to it someday, but I don't think that it's in my near future. 60 hour work weeks tend to put a damper on leisure time activities...
  11. I'm lookin to get a dozen brand spankin new Easton Epics. I really am a huge fan of custom arrows, but don't have the know how, the time, the patience, or the equipment to do them myself. Does anyone know of a website or archery shop that does a good job? I've seen a few pics of arrows that you guys have made in the past and I'm impressed! Anyone up for a little side job??
  12. Still looks healthy, at least judging by his weight. Sweet progression of pictures, too. Wonder what happened to that bone he used to have.
  13. Congrats!! All the hard work finally paid off!
  14. Ha, apparently I'm not the only one who has always wanted to do this. On a related subject, after becoming a huge fan of Arrow Affliction, I have an arrow set aside just in case a flock of geese decide to fly by...:D
  15. Opinion noted and respected, but I choose to shoot coons every now and then solely because they're pests that eat song bird eggs and do major damage to our turkey population. I don't know about you, but I would much rather have an abundance of turkeys and cardinals than racoons. Telling someone to "respect God's critters" isn't much of an opinion...
  16. Haaa!!!! Three raccoons in one sitting, with 4 arrows. I sat in my treestand for 10 minutes just unloading my quiver Didn't see any deer that hunt either for some reason...
  17. What the heck, I'm on here enough to do this. Pretty cool idea! I don't know this has skipped by me in years past. backwoods07...I'm good for about 4, hopefully.
  18. Man, I know what you mean Al! It was my first day off in over two weeks. I put in 50 hours last week and am about to start another 50 hour week. A calm or rowdy, depending on how you look at it!) get together is in order. I was able to go on a nice, long, relaxing walk through the woods this afternoon for a little shed hunting. This time I actually found one!! I'm looking for something to do to fill in my one day off a week.
  19. Good luck finding one. I've owned 2 and hated em both. Hope that one works out for ya!
  20. Haaa, I've been having trouble finding it! I'm workin crazy hours lately (as you can tell by the time of this post, 3:30 AM). Don't worry, I didn't forget about you guys! I have the pic I took saved on my phone and I ask everyone I run into. Nada yet. You'll be the first to know!
  21. We usually leave everything up, even if we tell ourselves we are gonna be good and at least take the seats in. I'm sure we'll loosen the straps a little in the Spring sometime. The only stands we'll take down are the ones we are moving.
  22. Neighbor found a real nice set last week in Fulton County. Not exacly southern IL, but close enough! I also saw a couple bucks without antlers about 30 miles south of Chicago.
  23. Oh no. I just found a new favorite TV show! Too bad I can't get this at work.