I've owned a Toyota Camry for over 10 years and 163,000 miles. Old car, ton of miles, I get this, but up until about three months ago, I sank under $500 to keep it running. Most of that cost is a new battery every once in a great while. It's still got its stock muffler for Pete's sake!
Within the past 4 months, it seems like everything is breaking. New rack, new plugs, wires, ball joints, gaskets, distributor cap, struts, you name it! It's cost me clear over $1,500 to fix.
Here comes the problem. I just missed the .9 financing on a 2010, so I have to wait another couple months to even think about a new purchase. The other day, the car started clunking every time you accelerate through a left turn. It clunks through the entire turn and lasts about 3 or 4 seconds. It has a very minor clunk when you turn right. I can't tell if anything is loose and have no idea what this can be. Any ideas would really help me decide if I should pay to have someone take a look at it, or just throw the dang old car out!