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Everything posted by backwoods07

  1. Just got back from 7 days at the farm. I saw a couple small bucks and managed to get another doe with my bow. I videotaped my buddy one hunt and he managed to shoot a doe with MY shotgun about 2 minutes after I lost camera light. That's hunting. We hunted a part of the farm I've never been and found the best spot I've ever seen in all my years of hunting. Next year is gonna be too easy!
  2. Terrible show. I stand as the few, the proud, the last people left on earth that haven't watched a second of it.
  3. Haha, that's pretty funny. I may have to share this...
  4. I'll pick up your slack this week Don. We're headin to the farm for 7 days to conclude the season. 234 more acres of the best hunting land possible just opened up to us. Turns out we had permission to hunt it all along and didn't know it...Better late than never though.
  5. Don (strut10) gets an A++ from me! Great guy to deal with!
  6. Definitely clicking more than clunking. The sound does increase with speed. Looks like I need to start pricing CV joints. Thanks for the help!! Grrrrr.
  7. I'd down em both, even hunting in the second best county in arguably the best hunting state in the country.
  8. I can attest to this statement. Things happen sometimes, even to the most ethical hunters...
  9. That's a sweet lookin mount. Good job doin it yourself. It sounds like a fun little project. I had a euro done on my first buck ever. I found a guy who did them with a wood burning stove for $30. It came out amazing!
  10. We just figured we'd share the wealth with ya!
  11. What he said. That's a pretty coold video.
  12. Congrats! This site is pretty cool. Cool post Buckee!
  13. The money that I spent on scheduled maintenence wasn't included in my rough estimate of $500. I'm sure I spent over a grand on oil changes alone. After gettin back in the car and testing it, it does sound more like a clunking noise than a popping noise, and it makes the noise all the way through the turn, not only when turning the wheel. The first thing I did was check the lug nuts and torqued them down just in case. Does the fact that it happens more through a left turn than a right turn help in any way?
  14. I watched the marathon of Man vs Wild, but did not see that one. My favorite one so far is when he traps and kills the reindeer. Right after he stabs it, he drinks the blood that is pouring out of the animal. Another bold move for TV! He's awesome.
  15. Just received payment from AdvantageTimberLou. Great transaction!
  16. I've owned a Toyota Camry for over 10 years and 163,000 miles. Old car, ton of miles, I get this, but up until about three months ago, I sank under $500 to keep it running. Most of that cost is a new battery every once in a great while. It's still got its stock muffler for Pete's sake! Within the past 4 months, it seems like everything is breaking. New rack, new plugs, wires, ball joints, gaskets, distributor cap, struts, you name it! It's cost me clear over $1,500 to fix. Here comes the problem. I just missed the .9 financing on a 2010, so I have to wait another couple months to even think about a new purchase. The other day, the car started clunking every time you accelerate through a left turn. It clunks through the entire turn and lasts about 3 or 4 seconds. It has a very minor clunk when you turn right. I can't tell if anything is loose and have no idea what this can be. Any ideas would really help me decide if I should pay to have someone take a look at it, or just throw the dang old car out! Thanks!
  17. I've only owned Windows Mobile on ATT service. The only reason I got that was to load my powerpoint lectures on my phone. They were solely used for studying purposes. I swear I never opened the powerpoints during any type of test.... I guess I don't mind it, but I really have nothing to compare it to.
  18. If you were a ghost and you wanted to watch your collection of My Little Pony on DVD, how else would you go about doing it?
  19. Let me know when you find it! Wildview has stiffed me, as has Moultrie.
  20. We just bought a Stealth Cam after being displeased with Moultrie. I hope this isn't what I have to look forward to should I have any issues with them. Interested to hear what happens...
  21. Trail cams shouldn't be disposable! $200 is a lot of money to be leaving out in the woods unattended. It seems that when trail cams stop working for us, we just put em away and forget about them. All in all, we've spent over $1,500 in the past 5 years on cameras and only have about $450 worth still working. I'd keep pushing the issue if they deny you any sort of satisfaction. From what I hear, Bushnell is pretty good about backing up their products. Hopefully they'll continue to take care of you!
  22. That's awesome! Way to go dad!
  23. We had several ponds dug on our last farm. The biggest was somewhere between 4 and 5 acres and about 50 feet deep. It took a while to dig and even longer to install an aeration system for the catfish. The large pond was expanded from a much smaller pond (shown in the picture) which I think contributed to the difficulty. It was worked on pretty much all summer and into the early fall, and from start to finish it took about a year. Sounds like your guy is just a bit spacey...I would definitely take some action.
  24. We saw a half dozen or so turkeys diggin through about 6-8 inches of snow in cut corn, but nothing as bad as you have it. I'm sure turkeys as a species have gone through a lot worse. They're still around, so I wouldn't be too worried!
  25. I would say dress warm, but I hear it's 50 and sunny all the way down south by you