Hoosier Hunter

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Everything posted by Hoosier Hunter

  1. My uncle and cousin came down to do a little deer hunting. We had a great time. The video is on the front page of our website. Check it out. www.BellBucksnBeards.com
  2. Hoosier Hunter


    Good luck catching them
  3. I shot my doe over her vitals and got little penatration. I hit spine. She fell over right there and got up wobbling falling over a couple of times. We watched her expire 50 yds in front of us. Here's the video of me getting that doe: http://vimeo.com/1917176?pg=embed&sec=1917176 If that was where you hit yours you should be able to find it. Good luck!
  4. Shot her October 2 of this year. 5 yd shot all on video. Video is on the front page of our site. www.BellBucksnBeards.com
  5. 128 3/8 Who cares what he scores, that's a great buck! Good luck layin the smackdown on the big fella!
  6. Those are some great pics and funny too!
  7. 120s Probably a 3 and a half year old. That's a nice buck.
  8. Me and my Dad went fishing on the White River in Greene County Indiana. Check out the video! Sponsors wanted! Some pics