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Everything posted by fly

  1. Without a doubt, it would bee seeing a mature buck (anything over 120 inches) while out with my daughter this October during the youth season. Then watching her reaction after pulling the trigger and dropping him in his tracks. I think I'd be monkey flipping all over the place.
  2. The movie "Milk" (or people associated with the movie) won some academy awards last night. As I recall it wasn't that long ago that Brokeback Mountain won some as well. I'm not inclined to watch these types of movies so I'm wondering if these movies are really that good or is it something else? It seems to me that every day I'm seeing more and more social acceptance (even the granting of awards) for "breaking down the homosexual barrier". Just wondering if you all feel this might factor into the academy awards?
  3. Looks like you got a good lease there!
  4. 2003 Bear TRX at 62 pounds Tru-Glo 3 pin sights Whisker buscuit GT hunter expedition with feathers Rockey Mountain Gator XP 2 inch mechanical Deer harvested: 10 (2 Pope and Young)
  5. I'd have to try it out as well. One can't be too safe when it comes to tree stands. A safe climbing stand under 15 pounds with a large platform would be a seller.
  6. fly

    Rub Opinions...

    From what I know big and little bucks will rub small to medium trees. Generally it's the big boys that rub large trees.
  7. We have 2 dogs, a cat, and a guinea pig. Wish I'd seen that pet rock sooner.
  8. fly


    My daughter had to do a school project this weekend. She had to cross a dinosaur and (something else). Some kids mixed a dinosaur with a car, some with a person, my daughter picked a Whitetail Buck! I helped with some of the finer details, but she does real well working with clay and paints. Looking forward to next October and the IL youth deer hunt.
  9. fly

    Which SUV?

    Reading this makes me feel like i'm in the twilight zone (traveling through time).
  10. I have a question I'm pretty embarassed to ask (I should know) but since I don't here it is... I was wondering what types of shells could be shot through a Remington 300 ultra mag. I generally just buy the remington cartridges (3 power levels), but was wondering if Winchester or a different company made shells that I could purchase?
  11. My wife tells me things like that too. Guess if enough of us do it we'd be the norm. Um Um good. Had some venison lasagna for lunch today!
  12. Tough day to be out fishing. Glad to hear it worked out for you.
  13. fly

    Bagpipe lessons

    Thanks for the encouragement everyone. I've been practicing every day so far and I finally managed to get my ring finger to lift before my pinky. It's all my wife's doing. She knows I'd never spend the money it takes to do this (30 bucks a lesson) so she gave me a jump start by giving me the first lesson and chanter as a present. She's a pretty cool women even though she's a vegetarian. Bagpipes are not cheap and run close to a grand, so if anyone comes accross a used set for a decent price keep me in mind. It'll be some time (at least 4-6 months) before I'm ready to advance past the chanter to the pipes.
  14. No centerfire rifles for deer here in IL. I'd say some centerfire rifles send bullets a lot further than any shotgun and slug. I compared the velocity and energy of the highest Remington slug and highest centerfire (the Remington 300 ultra mag) rifle and found the centerfire to be almost double at 100 yards. At 500 yards the RUM was still higher than the slug. Ballistic information for the slug only go to 100 yards which is telling in my opinion. Granted I wouldn't think many hunters would use a high powered RUM on deer, but if rifles are legal, then they could. I don't generally see max. power laws put into effect, only min. Bottom line is the hunter is who we have to watch out for, not the weapon. There are a lot of wierdos out there as we all know. Seems like I read a story or two every year of some hunter shooting a trailer or cow or something. I'd be against rifle deer hunting in IL. since I hunt public land a lot.
  15. I wish you luck with that one next fall.
  16. Joe I think you picked out a great print there! So many to choose from it's not an easy choice. I've always loved Terry Redlin (don't know anyone who don't like his work). I went with "Three of a kind-Elk" by Millette, Rosemary for my man room.
  17. fly

    User Name Change

    I don't know what to say. That's about the funniest stuff I've ever seen. Steve, William, Gary, you all really know how to make a guy feel like one of the family. I anticipated some photoshop, but that video you came up with Gary was a surprise to me. Well done my brother, well done. One question though... Do I look fat in that red on-piece?
  18. fly

    slow steelheading

    That's awesome Muggs! How's the fishing the first week of January? I'm off work that week every year. >Frank
  19. fly

    User Name Change

    Bump! 3 hours now and nothing! Just about what I figured. Bunch-a sissy's.
  20. fly


    Wish I was going! Have a great and SAFE trip Tim!
  21. fly

    Bagpipe lessons

    Well I've talked about learning for years now. My wife went and bought me a chanter and a lesson for V-day. I went for the first lesson today and found out my fingers don't always work like I want them to. Too bad it's not as easy as a deer grunt call. Anyone play or ever thought about it?
  22. fly

    Old School OTPG

    Holy Cow Batman! What do you shoot with that thing? The deficit?
  23. Here's the link for B&C if interested. Again the systems are the same. Just to let you all know the B&C entry fee is up to $40.00 now. Just sent off the check. Buckmasters is 20.00 (no check sent) and P&Y is 35.00 (check sent a couple months ago). I think it's a good idea to post the gross score, but it really doesn't matter if the net score doesn't make the minimum.
  24. fly

    Happy Birthday KenW

    Happy Birthday indeed!