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Everything posted by fly

  1. fly

    Upload video

    Any way to link a video posted on Facebook?
  2. fly

    Upload video

    I have a 315 MB video of the bear hunt in Manitoba. It's 1.5 minutes long. How do I upload it? I tried to drag it below but it gave me an error message. I assume it is too big?
  3. fly

    Manitoba Beat Hunt

    My buddy Dave got one with his bow as well - him and his bear below. Im also posting a pic of a true giant shot last night. 450 pounds and measured over 8 feet from nose to feet.
  4. fly

    Manitoba Beat Hunt

    Thanks all... was having a rug done but everyone at camp has pursuaded me to do a life size as he has long perfect hair - no rubs at all. looking into prices.
  5. fly

    Manitoba Beat Hunt

    Success! Here's the story... the hunt was Monday - Friday. I got into the stand on Monday at 3pm. First bear came in at 3:30pm. Nice bear looked like a boar weighing abut 200 pounds probably a little under 6 feet. I opted to let him go. Below is a picture of bear one at the bait. Bear one cane into the bait all nervous and only stayed at the bait about 5 minutes then spooked at something (wasn’t me) and ran away. I think the bigger one was close and he was getting out of dodge. Anyway, an hour later here comes another bear two. Much bigger. He came in like he owned the bait. I hit record on the video feature of my camera. He Walks in and lays down like he was going to be there a while. I'm archery hunting so I had to wait for the right angle. He never even stood up, while sitting on his ass he raised his head to lick the grease off the top of the barrel. That's when I drew my bow. Settled in and thwack! Perfect shot. He ran 40 yards and crashed. He was dead within 10 seconds. Eatimated measures...Weight: 350 pounds. Square: 6'6" nose to tail. Skull (19 inches - Pope is 18). They also estimate him to be about 10 years old. Ill get the video up later later once I get home.
  6. fly

    Manitoba Beat Hunt

    Thanks Tim. Will keep you all updated on our progress. Eight hunters in camp this week. Temps are cool (40’s) but very little rain and low winds expected. Should be good.
  7. fly

    Manitoba Beat Hunt

    Arrival to bear camp near Wabowden Manitoba Canada. Gage Lowry - Wildwood Outfitters. Hope the bears are hungry!
  8. fly

    Manitoba Bear Hunt

    This Friday I head north to Bear hunt in Canada. Going with Wild-wood Outfitters (Tim Andrus hunted with them a couple years ago). Hoping for a 6 footer that weighs in over 200 pounds. Hope the weather is nice and the bears are plentiful. Going to try some self filming on this one. Will keep you all posted.
  9. Martin - I'm glad to see the wolves haven't been too hard on the turkeys like they have been on the deer. At least it seems that way.
  10. Amazing you both got birds on that hold out day from last winter. Four beards is truly a trophy bird. Congratulations Al.
  11. It's fun when they come in hard like that. Congratulations!
  12. Nice bird Martin. We have to quit at 1pm here in IL.
  13. I concur with Al. Hunted in IL opening day (Winds 20mph) and did not hear a Gobble! Next day the wind was 5mph and I heard 5 different Toms in the exact same area in the first 2 hours of the AM. Shot the last one. If you hunted the 17th of April (AM) you should have heard turkeys.
  14. Good luck! Hopefully you'll have some better weather when you get a chance to go after them.
  15. Good luck with that second bird Al! I just love the sound of a Gobbler going at it at close range. Really gets the blood pumping!
  16. Thanks - Ive looked a little. Havent flind any so far. Odd year for sure Tim.
  17. April 16th brought sleet with 29 degrees and winds at 20 mph. I did not hear a gobble the entire day. April 17th (this AM) temps were at 30 degrees but no wind. Gobblers were sounding off like crazy. Got on 3 roosted Toms at first light but a hen coaxed them off. Then a 4th wouldn't come in. Then a 5th at 7:30am was headed my way when all of a sudden GOBBLE GOBBLE GOBBLE 60 yards behind me! A large tree hid me as I stood and turned. Here he comes Gobbling his head off. BOOM! he went straight down. The distance was 55 steps (I thought it was closer). The Winchester Long Beard XR did the trick. He weighed 22.8 pounds, 8 inch beard, and was a 2.5 year old.
  18. Too cool Al. Congrats on another great bird and an even better memory.
  19. fly


    Congratulations! I didn't know gobblers were on the big island.
  20. 100 birds! Congratulations Al.
  21. Al (Rhino) gets best deer. That double main beam was awesome! Loved that he also had the pre-season trail cam pic posted of it in velvet. Best Field pic goes to Ruth and her buck in the lightly snow covered green field. Best story goes to Tim (Mudrunner) for his story with his daughters first deer. Great season for many here - I'm happy to have shared it with you.
  22. I have April 16-20 to get it done here in IL. Hope to get a big old Tom like last year. Good luck with the birds Tim! Bear season in Manitoba is approaching!
  23. fly

    Welcome April

    We got a couple inches of snow (near St Louis) on Sunday. Great April Fools joke mother Nature!
  24. That's an awesome TN buck William and certainly looks great on the wall. The buck looks much older in the pic with you in it. I think the nose and eyes make it look much younger in the mount. Mount pics generally make the mount look worse than it actually is.