What happened to REALTREE FORUMS??
Mathews XT, college will expose a young mind to other views because all religious/political views must be allowed to have a voice in higher education (granted there is a proper place and time). It's the American way and even God Himself provides us with free will. I'm a professor at a university and vote republican (most of the time) attend a Lutheran church, I'm against abortion, and anti-gun legislation. I have 5 whitetails and two bears in my living room. When I teach I avoid indoctrination as any decent professor should do. I teach pharmacology and must address the drugs used for abortion. I present the facts, and allow debate, but avoid expressing my beliefs in the class. I was actually accused of being pro-abortion by a student and her father/priest (not exactly sure whom it was) because I taught students about abortion drugs. Sorry to get off topic.