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Everything posted by gobblerroller

  1. That's a cool looking bird man! Congrats. Gobblerroller
  2. I've noticed that there are absolutely no threads in here! C'mon people, youth are our sports' future. All you Dad's and Granddad's should be on here posting your kids' trophies. Why not let them get on here and post to other hunters just like them? Gobblerroller
  3. Dude, that's pretty good! Keep 'em coming. Gobblerroller
  4. Nice man; I'd like to learn how to trap some of those.
  5. I try not to do it if I can help it but if I have to I usually have a bottle. One October morning, for some reason I didn't have my bottle and I just had to go. Well what do you know? The doe walked out 30 yards away while I was still occupied and couldn't get my gun. I ended up killing her and she never suspected I was there.
  6. You know, that's the GREATEST story I've ever heard! Just kidding Good luck buddy. Gobblerroller
  7. I've never had much sucess with salt and mineral blocks so I can't really help you there. If you want something to come to your trail cam, I suggest corn. That's what we put out in the off seaon. Gobblerroller
  8. Well, if it's just a morning hunt I don't bring anything. I always eat a big breakfast before any hunt. If it's an all day hunt I'll pack a small bottle of water and a turkey and mustard sandwich. I'm not a big eater during hunts. And by the way, always bring an empty bottle in case nature happens to call. Gobblerroller
  9. Hi, have any of you all ever tried this product? I am considering buying a bag to try this season on a brand new small plot. Any advice will be appreciated. Gobblerroller
  10. ABSOLUTELY! He was in prison for two years, lost all of his money, he deserves another chance. And that 4 or 5 game suspension that commisioner Goodell passed is unfair.
  11. I sent the author a PM. Maybe he'll give us the whole story.
  12. man that stinks:mad::(, hope he gets caught
  13. i posted this so that everyone would know he has potential
  14. my first turkey was 39 yards with a 12 gauge
  15. Matt Ryan for the Atlanta Falcons!!!:D:D Booya!!!!!!!
  16. they're my second pick. awesome superbowl last year!!!!!!!!!
  17. Which team do you think will do the best this season? I'm hoping for the Atlanta Falcons! They're a long shot.
  18. Does anyone have one of these? If I ever kill a good Rio Grande i'm going to full body mount him. Pictures would be nice:) Gobbler Roller