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Everything posted by Cajun-101

  1. well Kat i have a couple that are on the higher price end. I have a chevy duramax 2500hd diesel 4 door it's an 04 & my note is 390. The size of the truck & the package i got this to me isn't bad Now my wife has a 08 chevy malibu that is loaded & i pay 450. on it. But she changes out cars every 2 to 3 years i'm not sure why but it is what it is. I have a good friend that is the sales manager for a chevy dealership. When i purchaced the malibu i asked him what was the average note. His answer was 700 to 1000; i told him he was nuts. While I was there he had 2 to 3 different sales working.The creditors were going to lend these people the money where the notes were over 900. Thats why the economy is so bad today. He said the cars that would be sold that day would most likely be picked up in 6 to 8 months.
  2. Words can't describe the sorrow I feel for the kids & family. I will keep them in my Prayers. Cajun
  3. congrats to your brother thats a good looking buck
  4. It was our first year they were legal in La. It seemed to get a couple more hunters in the woods. We also can shoot 45-70 inline during muzzle load. It's ok by me.
  5. 1997 is when I took mine. That was so fun I can still remember the class & the teacher. I had been driving for a while on the farm. The teacher figured out that I had been driving for a while she would let me go a lot further than anyone else. She had taken the same trip for a couple of weeks & wanted to see something different. We were on the interstate & took the back dirt roads on the way back. It was kind of nice she would sit back in her seat and enjoy the ride. Thanks for bringing back some good memories... Hunt
  6. Thanks You Tink! You setting a side time for the men & women of our armed forces. Great story keep up the good work. Cajun
  7. sounds a little far fetched......but still a good story
  8. I was going to fly out on wednesday to OK Jeramie. Due to this weather our pilot wanted to delay the flight till next week. Can't plan anything:mad:
  9. Cajun-101

    happy b-day

    Happy Birthday KT... Have a great day
  10. I love the show.. Try to watch it every chance i get.
  11. Cajun-101

    4 New babies!

    good looking pups.....are they like pointers
  12. Sorry to hear that Leo. It just sucks.........I too can't stand thieves.
  13. OK MODS NOW WE GOT 1in CHAT CAUSING PROBLEMS JOE_DIRT44 can yall get him out
  14. My first thought when i seen this post was........Not again He is one persistent fella.
  15. Sorry hog can't help ya. But I hope it isn't to bad. I wonder how expensive that will be.
  16. Cajun-101

    new truck

    You better believe it.. they are going to patch it up & sell it to the next joe blow for a new truck price. Got to love Car Salesmen....I get a kick out of the sales pitches. No offence to car sales, I like playing the game.
  17. I'd second that....yum yum
  18. What is the world coming to. There is a wonder drug for everything. When are we going to wake up. This is ridiculous!
  19. I will check this out tonight.... Thanks
  20. Id second that.... milk bag = cow
  21. :D that is funny.. the women viewing will love this one
  22. Prayers coming from cajun country..
  23. First time I hope the powers out. Power was on at lunch & I could't eat my stomach hurt.
  24. Welcome Troy.........Here the addiction begans