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Everything posted by woolybear

  1. First of all, great story and welcome to RT. 2nd'ly, I can't wait for your follow up post on her connecting. Keep at it Gramma. It's things like this that build upon tradition and a lasting family heritage to be carried on for generations to come.
  2. Mowing it down around here too Ruth. Not all of 'em yet but it has begun. Now it's gonna get exciting.
  3. Care to elaborate Gary? What do you do with the straw?:clown:
  4. Congrats on your meaty doe. But 3 shots at 20 and still no vitals. I'd have to collect all my arrows back up and go spend a few days at the target range to find out what's up?
  5. That is one dandy double. Congrats to you both.
  6. woolybear

    Got an issue

    I sure wouldn't give up something I enjoy so much. Guess you need to come to some sorta compromise if things are expected to work out. Maybe half day hunts. If not an option....enjoy all the time in the woods you want.
  7. Just hanging out today lounging on the couch watching some football since 1:00. Man it's amazing how doing nothing all day will beat you up. Around 7:00 pm I could feel the neck getting sore to the point it was annoying me to the point of acheing behind my ears and I just couldn't get comfortable so I got up and rubbed on some Icy Hot. Finally some deep penetrating relief. About to fall asleep when the last can of suds finally sent the bladder needle to "Full", so I made my way to the little wranglers room one more time for the night before calling it a day. Needless to say, my neck feels much better at this point but Irish Spring and Ivory soap feel more like "Lava" Soap and I don't think I'll be falling asleep anytime soon.:yawn: Always wash your hands folks when your done using the bathroom. More importantly,.... in some instances it's a good idea to do it beforehand as well.:hammer1::clown:
  8. Super job lilstrut. That's one fine buck!
  9. Sweet shots Dave. As that yote pic was popping up I was thinking you were taking us to the 3-d range with you.
  10. TOO FUNNY! Sounds like you found some super deals. Maybe next time you'll run across 'The u-haul garage' to keep your personal collection of tools stored in.
  11. Not to mention some of them are not afraid of power tools anymore. Have seen some of the worst and best of them on jobsites. Few years ago one of my favorite encounters was with two old ommies rowing across the lakes shoreline. Tipped their hats and lifted a mighty fine stringer of gills and crappy just outta earshot. I couldn't get the camera up quick enough but I remember exactly what it looked like to the day. Was just picture perfect hospitality around the lake at the time.
  12. Ahhh yes...can't wait for pics of your first date with him durring open season daylight hours. Shoot straight my friend. Hang 'em high from a gambriel Joey. Hang him high enough pops can't get at the tow down rope with that bum knee:clown:. Good luck fellas,....put an anchor in his butt!
  13. Never leave home without them...... but have headed home when outta them. Can't beat what they do for the price on a late season hunt. Frozen extremities don't function right. Only thing I wish they could fix about them is the noisy plastic wrappers, but I don't do any complaing when I get a few packs stuffed in my palms and in my pockets and around my neck to get a few more hours in.
  14. You should have sent the cam to me to hold as evidence. Nah, the way you handled this is very noble. Not really sure how I'd have acted in your situation but I'd say you did good.
  15. Think I just needed a good cry and a nap. Much better now:)
  16. No ambition to crawl outta bed.. Anyone that calls P's me off Crank up some country tunes and pull the blankets back over my head. Not a good day to be me. Full belly of pizza ain't even helping none. Depression sucks big time......
  17. Welcome aboard....but dang say something allready. No need to be shy around here.
  18. Wonderfull kill....looks like dinner to me.
  19. OH DINK, JK.... ,good shootin Tommy Boy.
  20. Got a spare room Joe? I promise not to keep you up too late. Best invest in a bullet proof vest for that tv of yours:crutch:
  21. You have the right to remain silent..... Anything you say..... nevermind....:clown: Habby B-day Ken!
  22. What a face!!! Give her a tickle on the belly from me. Little suckers too cute.
  23. Randy's quite the super hero round here in the short time I've been here. It don't get much classier than that. Nice to see a celebrity as himself dedicate a few minutes to an up and comer. Kudos to you Randy. Ya done real good in influencing our future field pardners.
  24. woolybear


    'Twas a blast to hang in on your hunts. Gotta feel good to be home. Rest up and prepare for your next roadtrip....looking forward to your future travels.