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Everything posted by lilmisswtnhunt

  1. he's been working really hard, and i get to babysit nicole and allison while he's working on it. FUN! lol
  2. a tilde is this thingy ~ i use it all the time:) and i have no clue about franked lol
  3. they sang to him at the mexican restraunt
  4. Happy fathers day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. happy birthday daddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. i think we watched that or something similar in history a couple of months ago
  7. thats pretty funny but this one is pretty good too gotta build one of them;)
  8. lilmisswtnhunt

    mmmm ribs

    i want some!!!!!!!!!!!:eat:
  9. hey i helped to! i had to deal with allison while you were out there doing stuff
  10. plannin on goin to utmartin and being a wildlife biologist for the twra or something like that i wont screw it up but i probably will end up on here when im an old fart like my dad love you daddy
  11. hes gonna say that he's too hot for her
  12. i dont know, daddy maybe they feel intimidated:gunsmilie: :gun1:or maybe they're just scared
  13. thanks guys:D last day of middle school was today!!!!!
  14. thanks guys i think most the boys are more worried about me we actually got let out later than normal this year tuesday is our last day
  15. thanks i cant wait im taking all honors classes that are offered and concert and marching band in just the first year gonna have to study A LOT
  16. i graduated from the eighth grade im officially a freshman!!!!!!!!!! off to high school next year!!! i hope i dont get lost too much!
  17. A couple of weeks ago, there were three 7th grade guys in the hall talking about obama. Two of them were talking about how horrible he was. The other one said ,"racist," to everthing the two good guys said. I walked over there and said "I hate to interrupt, but obama is for abortion, which steals life from innocent babies. He is for gay marriage, which im sure you're okay with, but most of the rest of the world isn't.(he didnt deny this which i thought was kinda funny) He disrespects the country that he is in charge of and isnt from here so i will gladly help you and him pack and ship the two of you off to some communist country where you belong." One of the good guys then laughed and said "she's kinda cool." The one guy just walked away. I guess he was mad because he got burned by a girl.
  18. wow i havent been on here in FOREVER!!! i couldnt quite get a bird there was one behind some brush about 45 yards away congrats to everyone that did get a bird!
  19. Daddy (wthunt) hurt his back!!! He was moving some boards in the new house, and he twisted the wrong way. Last night he could barely walk, so our neighbor, who is a retired chiropractor, came and adjusted him. This morning he came and adjusted him again. He probably wont be able to sit at the computer for a couple of days. Could the mods please watch his rooms until he can get back on here?
  20. he is behind by 10 come on uncle rootbeer!!!!!
  21. your in the lead!!!!!! go uncle rootbeer!!!!!!!!
  22. your catchin up! good luck uncle rootbeer