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Everything posted by lilmisswtnhunt

  1. wow good job ur gonna be a cop!!!
  2. wish granted its due in 5 minutes i wish halloween wasnt on the youth hunt
  3. wish granted hes the one who pushed the button that activated the bomb i wish i had a pool filled with chocolate and a big straw
  4. wish granted my bodyguards (hunt or be hunted, dakota, and ethan )blew them up (thanks guys!)you have no feet i wish for money to pay for my beta trip
  5. did u see that first comment about "dumb country folks" and how the guy shouldnt have killed it? there were little kids in the area and a snake that big couldn't be used for anything good except maybe some really cool boots dimondbacks are known to be aggressive and their poision is commonly used as self defense from natural predators, and they call us ignorant
  6. awwwww i like the last one, hes sticking his tounge out at u
  7. There are 25 other 8th graders that qualify right now, but there is one more grading period between now and then ,and i'm expecting a few people are gonna be kicked out. you have to have a 92 gpa or higher, and last report card i had a 95,which is a little bit lower than normal for me.
  8. the plan- we leave on a sunday afternoon,check into the hotel, plan on going to the mall and then go sleep get up in the morning,go to shoneys, do a bunch of stuff,go eat ,do more stuff ,go to the winner anouncements,go sleep get up, do stuff,eat,leave for home tuesday afternoon
  9. omg that looked like fun my best friend just got out of a wheelchair she broke her ankle
  10. im really hoping i dont get lost it is so huge
  11. pretty snow,its gettin colder here but not that cold he's that idiot that goes around in his privite jet talkin about pollution and global warming
  12. granted you have enough money but a plane crashes into you on your way there i wish i was a rich famous singer with lots of body guards that did whatever i said
  13. omg im so excited on november 22 we leave for the state beta club convention and we're gonna stay at the opryland hotel anybody else been in beta club in school?
  14. dang you beat me to it the cheese was to hot and burned you, you cant talk anymore your boss fired you i wish i could type faster
  15. if i were allergic to chocolate than i would already be dead granted now everybody except you died from equine flu, your all alone, you eventually go mad and blow the world up i wish halloween wasnt during the youth hunt
  16. wish granted -it snows ,your car slides off into a ditch when you try to dodge a dog, you hit her newborn puppies i wish i had a giant chocolate cupcake :eat:
  17. i gotta watch that!!! ya think my binoculars would work?
  18. uncle rootbeer!!!!!!!!! (ruttinbuc)
  19. and they would show him being led away in handcuffs and getting a search warrant for his house
  20. yall are real cool alright (for the past 3 years "cool" has stood for constipated outdated overweighted loser) lol we came up with that in like 5th grade
  21. when are you people gonna realize ,if a gun or shovel is needed,we can take care of ourselves there is a river behind my house, the body would never be found:bat: (insert maniacal laugh here)