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Everything posted by Nickel

  1. Nickel


    summer time I prefer cold semi sweet green tea winter time hot green tea
  2. Nickel

    What's On....

    DUST!!! I've been to busy to do a thorough deep clean of the house.
  3. I dont like becoming members of something I am not familiar with.
  4. I would say around that 18" mark. Thats a good looking deer.
  5. I tried the scentblocker for a couple of years and in my own opininon I can buy a lot of cover scent and scent killer and cheaper suits for a lot of years if that one suit costs $550.
  6. sounds like a good season indeed. i find that people that think there are only small deer in an area are the hunters i want to stay away from because they dont know what they are doing.
  7. What changed? I have not heard or read anything lately on any rule changes.
  8. If you think it is a good spot then try it, but when I scout state land I look to see how many others are scouting also.
  9. In late season when leaves are down I break out my snow camo suit. Even when there is no snow on ground, it works great. I just look like a dork when walking around.
  10. I took a transfer in my company and moved 800 miles for the same money, but better economy.
  11. Nickel


    I have not seen it either
  12. Nickel

    Pet Peeve.....Rant

    I cant stand open mouth chewing either. I keep getting after my boys for doing that.
  13. These items have been sold, I am trying to remove this thread. thank you.
  14. slash, check your private messages. I sent you one. Thanks
  15. I am selling my handycam mounts. The one will attach any handycam camera to any bow using the stabilizer hole. The other mount is a tree mount that attaches to the tree with a ratchet strap and will hold any handycam camera. Both items are in like new condition. Will sell each item for $20 a piece or $35 for both.
  16. They are the new Beman MFX Bone collector in 400 grain. He bought them from Bass Pro. He had vanes put on with a slight helix put into them.
  17. Does anybody use Beman carbon arrows? I have the opportunity to buy a dozen brand new arrows from a guy at work for $75. He paid around $150 a couple weeks ago. He said they dont fly good from his bow, I tried them and they fly great from my bow. Is this a good deal? Let me know if you would buy these. Thanks.
  18. I love it. As long as it is not to windy it works great.