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Everything posted by SourthenILdeerhunter

  1. It got me back it sure has been awhile since I’ve been on here how is every
  2. Anyone else on here play disc golf?? Hunt or be hunted and another buddy of ours got me hooked I'm not the best I'm still the worst in our group that plays
  3. Defiantly looking at a hi point. My manager was giving me crap about it. But the way I look at it since I'm a beginner pistol shooter way get something I can't really afford versus what I can.
  4. What's a good cheap but reliable pistol. I'll be turning 21 in a few weeks so I'll be able to buy a pistol. On reality this will also need to serve as a ccw.
  5. Please pray for my brother in laws family. His brother fell off a dredge yesterday morning he still hasn't been found. Crews are Supposta begin searching again this morning.
  6. Welcome back Robert long time no see
  7. 1. What would you use this product for? a. Wipe for cleaning surfaces b. Wipe for cleaning hands & face c. Wipes used after going the bathroom (#2) d. Wipes used in cars or when traveling Abcd 2. Is it clear from the product that the product is for use after going to the bathroom (#2) ? a. Yes b. No A 3. Assuming price is not a factor, how likely would you be to purchase this product? a. Definitely b. Probably c. Might or Might Not d. Probably Not e. Definitely Not A 4. Is Port-O-Wipes an appropriate name for wipes that take the place of toilet paper “on the go”? a. Yes b. No A 5. What would you call them? a. Port-O-Wipes b. Butt Wipes c. Outback Wipes d. Moist Toilet Tissue e. Other (please specify _____________________) A Do you have any additional comments on this type product?
  8. Same goes for me Ross send me a address and ill get sumthing in the mail.
  9. White Christmas? It's gonna be a white day after Christmas here in southern il
  10. Merry Christmas !! Merry Christmas to all and there family's
  11. Well since no one else started on I guess I will. Here's my gift From Ross [ATTACH]13130[/ATTACH]
  12. Hey doog3 Happy birthday Vicky
  13. Team 2 - Antler Addiction Today was a crummy morning light rain I decided to go out anyways got to my spot and see a decent 8 point got a clear shot and missed hopefully have better luck next season
  14. Team 2 - Antler Addiction This weekend Is the last chance for me hope to see sumthing
  15. Team 2 - Antler Addiction Congrats on the harvest's still got my tag dunno how much huntin ill get to do as season is winding Down here
  16. Tough Season, Just Me? Been real slow here I know ppl who are killing tons around the county but yet have only seen one deer so far this season
  17. 2012 Realtree Christmas Exchange Sign Up SourthenIldeerhunter
  18. Team 2 - Antler Addiction No luck for me this past weekend ill get at it next weekend hopefully will have some better luck
  19. Team 2 - Antler Addiction Well I got skunked this morning and to many ppl setting up on my spot won't hunt again til tommrow eve bec of work hope to put some points on the board!!!
  20. Team 2 - Antler Addiction Well the week has finally come Friday morning I will be in the woods I work fri night so won't hunt again until say night then Sunday. I'm pumped cant wait the week will prolly go by slow now for me
  21. Team 2 - Antler Addiction Checkin in been sick the past week hopefully better by the 15th for firearm season
  22. well finally made it ou to one of my spots to scout and as soon as i walked in jumped 4 does didnt scare them to bad as they just walked off. made it to some old food plots and as soon as i do i hear what i thought was a squirrel running up a branch but then look closer and its a nice main frame 8 point with some side kickers it looked like. he didnt know i was there so i just sat there and watched him i continued on and the next old food plot i reached there was a buck bedded in the weeds. im pumped up after this scoutign adventure and lookling foward to firearm season
  23. Team 2 - Antler Addiction Well went to my normal hunting spot that is state land that they take care of so far it hasn't been cut yet so now I'm worried if there even gonna cut it this year have more spits yet to scout going squirrel hunting so u may go to a cpl diff places and see what I find