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Everything posted by SourthenILdeerhunter

  1. shoot at least u guys dont have to wait a week before thanks giveing to firearm hunt ive had deer fever for 2 months now and cant wait to get my first 1!!!!!!!!
  2. i always do when i go to my grandparents i always go out to my uncles climb up in my bunker and just enjoy nature at its best ...... the main reason i didnt get him was i was shootin right handed and i found out this past spring that my dominate eye is my left eye so he better hope he dosent run into me lol
  3. lol i wish luck to all u bow hunters out there i my self am looking forward to firearm season as to get revenbge on my big 10 point i missed last year and so far according to my uncle's trail cams he's still out there and with 2 more points
  4. alrighty the ID# is 317438 and the Password is outdoors and as soon as we get atleast 8 then we can decide on final draft date/time but keep in mind me and hunt or be hunted are still in highschool so it cant be to late
  5. I figured a weekend would be better from the 16th of august to the first weekend of september we also need some tems so far we only have 2 and need a minum of 4 and a max of 16
  6. here is the story " INDIANAPOLIS -- DeWalt Power Tools, the longtime sponsor for 2003 Sprint Cup champion Matt Kenseth, will not return to the Roush Fenway Racing Ford in 2010. Roush Fenway president Geoff Smith has been looking for other sponsors to pair with DeWalt next season and lessen the financial load during tough economic times. In the end, they agreed to part. "DeWalt's decision to not return is not a great surprise to us,'' Smith said in a statement. "Fortunately, we have several great companies interested in taking over and we expect to begin finalizing those sponsorship arrangements in the very new future.'' DeWalt has been Kenseth's primary sponsor since he was named Cup rookie of the year in 2000. He signed a multiyear extension with Roush last season."
  7. date and time can always be changed ID# is 317438 and the Password is outdoors any member is welcome to play
  8. I've started 1 the ID# is 317438 and the Password is outdoors just serch it in costum leagues
  9. i personally think that she is lieing who filed the suit other wise why wouldent she go to the authorities after it happend????????????????????
  10. I am working on it now and draft will be a online draft on august 29 the last saturday of the month at 8:00pmCentral time league name is RealTree&Advantage and the password is outdoors post your emails or pm them to me so i can send you invite to join league and good luck to those who end up playing
  11. I use espn but seeing a admin saying yahoo yahoo it is i will set it up and give out details as soon as i get it ready
  12. can u use a rifel scope on a shotgun???.... i can not find any shotgun scopes like i can rifle scopes where im at...
  13. would any1 be intreasted in playing in ffb on espn i can set up a league on espn if there is not 1 let me know
  14. i never pee near my stand or where im sitting because the deer can smell that and will stay away most of the time ( i usally go to my uncle's stand 200 yards from mine) lol
  15. im pumed and cant wait already changed my choke tube and cleaned out my shotgun
  16. 1 i dont hunt with bow just yet but if i did i would try for a long shot or i would take the small 4 pointer just for the antlers
  17. I hunt in Pope count for first season and in saline during the second season
  18. Well im new to the world of hunting but have been around hunting most of my life my dad was a deer hunter now im a deer/turkey hunter and hope to span out my wide of game as i go along
  19. how many on here hunt in IL . and what county do u hunt in i hunt in pope county hope to take down a massive buck