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Everything posted by SourthenILdeerhunter

  1. Everyone stay off the rodes and Sidewalks!!!!!! lol hope u have a great one:P
  2. which gun is your favrite and what do u hunt with it???? Whats your least favrite gun??
  3. i get the sticky ones evan for bow season...... that may be because i get land owner from my uncle
  4. I'm gonna pick 1 up from wally world in a couple of days
  5. i havent seen to many reports this year but 1 was near effingham i think buddy shot his bubby with a bow on accident thinking he was a turkey
  6. if it happend here on the property i hunt id be on the walkie callin a cpo to report them cuz only a hand full of ppl are allowed to hunt it and thats all family.
  7. i always talk to neighbors and ask for permission if a deer goes on their property
  8. geese what kind of box blinds u guys hunt out of in wyoming?? lol
  9. season dosent open until the tenth went running for a few hours last night found 4 coons!!!
  10. Wish DENIED texas slames ou I wish i had some money to go to the encampment this weekend
  11. Wish granted but instead of your friend haveing it u do!! I wish there was no thing such a swine flu
  12. just bacon???? i know a guy who roast whole hogs!!!! there better than just bacon lol
  13. its easy the secret is to have a nice photo program like i do and edit out the hunter
  14. wish granted u end up going to a party and the cops show up and find drugs no 1 admits to haveing the drugs and they arrest everyone there on drug charges u get convicted and spend 5 years in prison i wish i knew what to wish for
  15. Whats your favorite weapon to hunt with and what u hunt it with
  16. wish granted u told her boss and she gets fired I wish i get my first buck on the ground this shotgun season
  17. i know i wouldent be as confident in my shot to do that!!!!
  18. Wish granted but u ended up getting the flu and were able to do nuthing but sit at home then u became a couch potato and never left home again I wish i had a job
  19. i would have him on the wall if that happend to me thankfully no bears in sourthen il